There are several changes you can make directly in In the View/Modify PO module. We will review , you can make several changes to your Purchase Orders. Below are some of the changes actions you can make below.take:
Moving Items to a New or Existing PO
There will may be cases instances where you may need to move line items to a New new or Existing existing PO for ordering purposes. See Refer here for additional instructions on how to easily move line items easily.
Zero Cost on Selected
Use this menu item on your option in the top toolbar to completely zero out the cost on the an entire Purchase Order. If This can be useful if you base your commissions off of on Estimated Costs vs. Actual Costs this button may come in handy to clear , especially for clearing labor or design costs in some instances. This is also frequently used to clear costs when working with , Direct Bills, or Dealer Service Fees. Keep in mind you can also clear costs in the Acknowledgements module. The most important thing to remember when working with costs is “how is this affecting the how these changes affect the overall P&L” and “how is this affecting commissions”. As usual not everyone should have access to these modules / ability to make changesL and commissions. Access to this feature should be restricted to authorized personnel.
Delete Selected PO’s
If necessary, you can completely delete a Purchase Order completely. When deleting a Purchase Order it should clear the POID so when you go to re-create Purchase Orders in the future it will still only create whatever is Deleting a PO clears the POID, ensuring that future POs will only include items not connected to a POID in the BOM.