e-manage ONE has two types of builders (saved text items).
Regular Text Builder
First is a regular text builder that saves straight text for use in boxes that display a "Builder" button that do not support text formatting.
The following is a list of windows that use the regular text builder:
Project Information Window
Service Agreement Invoice Window
Project invoice Window
Project Commission Window
Help Desk / Support Incident
New PO Window
Print Service Agreement
View / Modify Purchase Orders Window
Service Agreement Commission Window
Service Ticket Commission Window
Service Ticket Invoice Window
Inventory Purchase Order Window
Pick List Window
When you see the "Builder" button you can click it and choose from (or save new) text items that you use all the time.
For example purposes, we will use the Project Invoice window to examine the builder window but the builder works the same for every window where the text box is not formatted text.
Click the "Builder" button. The Text Builder window will pop-up and will be named for the type of builder it is. You can then place the text you want to save for re-use in the upper section of this screen and select “Save Text To Grid For Re-Use”. You must have the appropriate Application Rights to create Text Builders.
If there are saved text items for you to use, they will be in the bottom half of this window and will have a checkbox on each row. If you want to use the saved item the way it is, check the box on each row you want to add to the text box and the click the "Use Checked Item(s) and Close" button.
The text box you clicked the builder for will have the checked items added to the box.
To delete a saved text item, open the builder, highlight the row that you want to delete and click the "Delete Selected Item(s)" button.
You can edit existing saved items by highlighting the row in the grid and clicking the "Edit Selected Item" button. Once you have edited the text to say what you want it to say, click the "Save Text To Grid For Re-Use". In the panel, you can choose to "Save" or "Save as New Item". If you choose "Save as New Item", then your existing saved item will remain the way it was and a new item will be added with the new text. If you choose the "Save" button, the existing item will be updated to the new text.
The Copy Selected Item To Text Box will add the selected item to the top text box. You can add multiple items this way when you want to put them in a certain order in the text box.
Rich Text Builder
The second type of Builder is the Rich Text Builder (Formatted Text).
The Formatted Text Builder is used in the following windows:
BOM / Estimating / Quoting Window to build the Phase Description
New Edit Quote Window
Service Ticket Information to build Scope of Work and Note to Tech
Implementation Item
Time and Materials Quote Window
Besides the formatting of text, the Formatted Text Builder window also does not require Corporate Division or Category, but these items can be set inside of the grid dynamically after you have saved an item. You can change the font, font size, the color of the text, Bold, Underline, and justification of the text. The window works exactly the same as the regular text builder when saving, editing and using items.