Herman Miller users will need the 3rd party API user name and password to enter in the e-manage administrator for the Web Services to work. To obtain the Web Service API User Name and Password from the Herman Miller Order Manager follow the instructions below:
If you do not have an admin login you will need to pick a user who can create and send purchase orders, get acknowledgments, shipments, invoices and A/R statements and then that user can log in to Order Manager, click on their profile, go to “Development Center” and that will have the username and password.The API key needs to be entered in the e-manage administrator under Corporate Division Configuration and Division Access Control. The keys will need to be copied and pasted for every user that will be using the webservice as shown below:
Finally, in the administrator under each user profile who will use the HM Quote Tool you will need to enter the individuals credentials - this would need to be the users normal login and password that they would use when logging in to the HM site.