Definition of Grid: The Active Quotes Grid is a collection of all quotes that are marked as Valid regardless if they are expired or not | ||
Column Name | Definition | |
Bill To Attention | Contact name of person sending billing invoice to | |
Bill To Company | Where you are sending the Billing Invoice to | |
Bill To Location | Location name in Company Information of Bill To Company record | |
Bill To Main Fax | Fax number of Bill To Company | |
Bill To Main Phone | Phone number of Bill To Company | |
Bill To Market Type | The Market Type drop down assigned to the Bill To Company Information/record | |
Cancelled | If the project was cancelled through the Project > Cancel This Project | |
Cancelled By | Name of user who cancelled the project | |
Cancelled Date | Date the project was cancelled | |
Cancelled Reason | Reason the | porject project was cancelled |
Ceiling | The Commission Plan ceiling. Configured in the Administrator Application | |
Confirmed With | Person who signed quote or who authorized order, pulls from Order Entry | |
Contract Type | The type of contract with the customer, pulls from Order Entry | |
Corporate Division ID | The ID of the corporate division that this project is under. Used to pull the corporate division name | |
Create Date | Date of quote creation | |
Created By | User name who created quote | |
Customer PO | The customer PO number, set in the Order Entry module | |
Decision Date | The decision date assigned in the Project Information module | |
Deliver To Attention | The Attention To for the Deliver To on this specific quote. Entered on the Quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice | |
Deliver To Company | The Company Name for the Deliver To on this specific quote. Entered on the Quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice | |
Deliver To Location | The Location (City, Area, or other naming scheme to separate multiple locations for the same company) for the Deliver To on this specific quote. Entered on the Quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice | |
Deliver To Main Fax | The Fax Number for Deliver To on this specific quote. Set in the company information screen when creating the company - entered on quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice | |
Deliver To Main Phone | The Phone Number for Deliver To on this specific quote. Set in the company information screen when creating the company. Entered on Quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice | |
Discretionary Tax | The Discretionary Tax amount on the quote/option. Only applicable to some states. | |
Discretionary Tax Credit | The Discretionary Tax * The Salesperson Sales Credit on the project | |
Est Comm Cost | The cost (sum) based on the BOM where the line item is marked commissionable | |
Est Comm Margin | The sum of profit in the BOM Module for the specific quote/option that is commissionable | |
Est Comm Profit | The sum of profit in the BOM Module for the specific quote/option that is commissionable | |
Est Comm Rate | The average commission rate in the BOM module for the specific quote/option | |
Est Comm Sale | The sell (sum) based on the BOM where the line item is marked commissionable | |
Estimated Commission | The sum of Commission based on the BOM | |
Estimated Cost | The sum of cost in the BOM Module for the specific quote/option | |
Estimated Labor Cost | The cost in the BOM where the product type is a Labor Product Type for the specific quote/option. Labor Product Types can be configured in Tools > Configure Labor Product Types | |
Estimated Labor Sale | The sell in the BOM where the product type is a Labor Product Type for the specific quote/option. Labor Product Types can be configured in Tools > Configure Labor Product Types | |
Estimated Non Comm Cost | The cost (sum) based on the BOM where the line item is not marked commissionable | |
Estimated Non Comm Sale | The sell (sum) based on the BOM where the line item is not marked commissionable | |
Estimated Sale | The sum of sale in the BOM Module for the specific quote/option | |
Expires On | The last date quote is valid for. Quote expiration date | |
Floor | The commission plan floor. Configured in the Administrator Application. | |
GSA | Checkbox indicating the project is a Direct Bill, pulls from Project Information module | |
Install To Attention | The Attention To for the Install To on this specific quote. Entered on the Quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice | |
Install To Company | The Company Name for the Install To on this specific quote. Entered on the Quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice | |
Install To Location | The Location (City, Area, or other naming scheme to separate multiple locations for the same company) for the Install To on this specific quote. Entered on the Quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice | |
Install To Main Fax | The Fax Number for Install To on this specific quote. Set in the company information screen when creating the company - entered on quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice | |
Install To Main Phone | The Phone Number for Install To on this specific quote. Set in the company information screen when creating the company. Entered on Quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice | |
Last Modified By | The name of user who made changes to the quote last | |
Last Modified Date | The last time the quote was changed | |
Last Print Date | The last time the quoted was printed | |
Last Printed By | The name of the user who printed the quote last | |
Last Status Change Date | The date on which the project status was last changed. The status should be changed automatically based on action items (setup in administrator), but can also be manually changed. | |
Most Likely | Checkbox indicating the option(s) on this quote will most likely be ordered | |
Order Book Date | The date the order was booked on in the Order Entry module | |
Order Invoice Date | The date the order was invoiced on. Found in the order entry module | |
Order Name | The name of the order, set in the Order Entry module | |
Order Note | The Order Note entered in the Order Entry window | |
Order Status | The Status of the order. This is a manual and an automated change. You can and should have the status change based on Workflow , Action Items being checked out and completed. You can include the manual update of the status in your workflow as Completion Tasks on Action Items. This will help you better manage where an order is at in the process. | |
Order Type | The type of order, based on the order entry module "Order Type" drop down | |
Primary Contact | The name of the Primary Contact from the Project Information screen | |
Primary Contact Company | The company the Primary Contact is associated with | |
Primary Contact Direct Phone | The direct phone number of the Primary Contact | |
Primary Contact Email | The email address of the Primary Contact | |
Primary Contact Main Phone | The main phone of the Primary Contact | |
Primary Contact Mobile Phone | The mobile phone of the Primary Contact | |
Priority | The priority field in the View Quotes tab. This allows you to assign a sort order to the quotes in the window. | |
Probability | Probability %assigned in the Project Information module | |
Project Contact Type | The Project Contact Type from the primary contact on the project (drop down that is project-specific and can be changed accordingly as necessary) | |
Project ID | The Project number | |
Project Name | The Project Name, pulls from Project Information (Best practice is to put the Company name plus Project name i.e. Bank of Texas - Global Task Chairs for Office 101) | |
Project Order ID | The Order ID of the particular order | |
Project Quote ID | The Quote Number of quote, pulls from Bill of Materials / Quote module in View Quotes tab | |
Project Status | The Project Status, pulls from Project Information. This is a manual and an automated change. You can and should have the status changed based on Workflow, Action Items being check out and completed. You can include the manual update of the status in your workflow as a Completion Task. | |
Project Type | The Project Type, pulls from Project Information (The Project Type defines workflow/Action Items) | |
Quote Description | Description of quote typed in the View Quotes module | |
Quote Name | Name of quote which is automatically the same as the option name from the BOM when initially creating a quote by flipping to the View Quotes tab, but can be manually changed | |
Quote Print Type | Type of quote (Line Item or Phase) that is being printed | |
Requested Complete | The date that the order installation is requested to be completed on. Set in the Order Entry module. | |
Requested Install Start | The date that the order installation is requested to be started on. Set in the Order Entry module. | |
Requested Ship | The date that should be requested of the vendor for when product should be shipped. Set in the Order Entry Module | |
Saleprice | The sell (sum) which does not include any tax amount based on the BOM | |
Sale Price Credit | The Sale Price * The Salesperson Sales Credit on the project | |
Sales Credit | The percent of sales credit/commission for the salesperson on the project | |
Salespeople | A list of all salespeople on the project | |
Salesperson | Salesperson assigned as the primary salesperson to the project in the Project Information Window | |
Sales Tax | The tax (sum) based on the BOM | |
Sales Tax Credit | The Sales Tax * The Salesperson Sales Credit on the project | |
Ship To Main Fax | The Fax Number for Ship To on this specific quote. Set in the company information screen when creating the company - entered on quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice | |
Ship To Attention | The Attention To for the Ship To on this specific quote. Entered on the Quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice | |
Ship To Company | The Company Name for the Ship To on this specific quote. Entered on the Quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice | |
Ship To Location | The Location (City, Area, or other naming scheme to separate multiple locations for the same company) for the Ship To on this specific quote. Entered on the Quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice | |
Ship To Main Phone | The Phone Number for Ship To on this specific quote. Set in the company information screen when creating the company - entered on quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice | |
Ship Via | What you would like to ship product by, pulls from order entry | |
Status Change Days | The number of days since the last status change on the project | |
Submitted To Customer | The date of when the quote was proposed/submitted to the customer which can be manually added in the View Quotes module | |
Team Members | The Team Members on the project, pulls from Project Information | |
Terms Of Sale | The terms of sale for the invoice .Pulls from the Invoice module | |
Use Profit Margin | Pulls from the Vendor company record for Direct Bill vendors. Used to set the Vendor Commission to the profit margin on each line item | |
Valid | Field from the View Quotes tab in the Bill of Materials / Quotes module of a project and indicates quote is current and relevant | |
Valid Options Count | The number of options checked off for specific quote |
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