For faster resolution, please take advantage of our Help Center, where you can search for solutions to your technical issues while we work on resolving your request. Here, you can type in keywords and populate relevant help articles.
Request Types
Technical SupportIssues and Error Messages: Select this if you’re needing assistance with a system error.Licensing and Billing Questions
Help with Understanding a Feature or Training Inquiry: Select this if you’re needing assistance with performing a task in e-manageONE or you’d like to request additional training.
Billing, Licensing, or Migrating to our Cloud Services: Select this if you have questions regarding licensing or billing.
Suggest a Suggestions or New Feature : Let us know your Requests: Select this if you have an idea for a new feature
Suggest Improvement: See a place where we can do better? We’re all ears
Other Questions: Don’t see what you’re looking for? Select this option and we’ll assist
or suggestions on how to improve.
Technical Support Requests:
On the request form, you’ll notice asterisks next to fields such as Company, Project #, Issue, Details, Number of Users Affected, and Module. These fields need to be filled in to successfully submit your requests. Other fields such as there’s information required to successfully submit your requests and receive prompt support. Please note the Project #, details of issue, Purchase Order #, Invoice #, Quote #, Order name, Option name, Error message, and Hosting are optional but should be filled in if relevant to the issue you’re experiencingetc. Being as detailed as possible prevents troubleshooting delays.
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If the issue is unrelated to a Project #, we would suggest using one of the other submission options such as “Other Questions” however, you can also put “N/A” in any of the # fields if it is not related to one of those items. |
Notifications and Responses
To access the requests you’ve already submitted, please log into the service desk using the following link: https://emanageone.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals and select “Requests” in the top right corner of the webpage (you may need to log in first). You may also access your submitted ticket via the link attached to the bottom of the e-mail notifications you receive.
Attaching Images/Files to Technical Support Requests:
If you’re receiving an error message, please be sure to take a screenshot and attach to the request form (as shown below).
You can also add an image or attachment in the comment section after the ticket has been opened by selecting the icon shown below within the comment box:
Share Requests with Organization
Our service desk allow you to share your support request with others in your organization. To keep private, please select “No One” from the dropdown (see first image below). If you are receiving emails regarding a support request that someone in your organization submitted, you can turn off the notification in the email (see second image).
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You may also submit a support request directly in e-manage|ONE by selecting Help → Send a Help Request, as shown in the image below. |