The Project Information window is the starting point of creating a project and holds the basic information about a project including the name, status, project manager, salesperson(s), Scope of work and Contacts associated with the project.

You can get to the Project Information window by double clicking on a project from any grid or tree that lists projects, by right clicking on any project from any tree or grid that list projects, or by using the Quick Search on the bottom of the e-manage main window. Don’t forget to use your Function Key Shortcuts to quickly access the Quick Search and your Project(s).

Users can also use the e-manage Web Portal to view and edit project information.

In this section we will go through the elements of the Project Information window and how each piece of information is used in e-manage|ONE.

Project Name

The Project Name field is searchable in the Main Search and other searches throughout e-manage so it should have enough information to mean something to other users that will see the project in Current Opportunities, Backlog and other grids. This is a required field for the initial entry of a project. We highly recommend creating consistencies and naming conventions. If you need help coming up with any consistencies please reach out to us for support!

Project Name Search from Search e-manage will find any project with a project name that "contains" the text you type in.

Project Name shows in all grids that display projects and orders and prints on Quotes, Acknowledgments, Packing Slips, Work Orders, Invoices, and Final Profit reports.

Corporate Division

The Corporate Division drop down list box will have all of the corporate divisions defined by your administrator that you have been granted access to. If you only have one division, this box will automatically fill itself out. It is important that you choose the correct Corporate Division, as the available drop down lists for the entire project are determined by which Corporate Division is chosen. The Corporate Division drop down list box choice also determines the QuickBooks file that the orders and vendor invoices will be sent to. This is a required field for the initial entry of a project.

Project Type

The Project Type drop down list box controls whether or not the project requires implementation (although this can be overridden after the project type is chosen) and also determines what work flow Action Items will be available to request throughout the process. One of the side benefits of this work flow association is that you can set the project to different types during your entire process and only the work flow action items associated with it will be available to choose from. So, you could have a project type called "Preliminary" to set the project before it becomes an order and have a completely separate work flow than when it becomes an order switching it to "Order". The Project Type also determines the Surveys that are available to the project. Your administrator builds the surveys, so if you see changes that need to be made, see your administrator.


The Status drop down list box not only sets the status of the project but is also searchable from Search e-manage and is also a criteria used in analysis queries. The status drop down list is set by your administrator, so if you feel a status should be added to this list, see your administrator to discuss. This drop down can be set here, but can also be set in the main toolbar of the project tabbed window and by right clicking on a project from anywhere a project is listed in a grid or tree. The status drop down is a required field for the initial entry of a project. Keep in mind the Status should automatically update based off of Action Item completions.

In search e-manage, all of the projects you have access to will be grouped by Status with the number of projects in each status. Click on the Status drop down list box and switch to the status you want to see the project for and the projects will appear in the grid.

When building analysis queries, you can use the Project Status to pull lists of projects back by status along with other criteria.


The Probability drop down list box is the probability that the project will be booked as an order. This value also will calculate the Factored Value on the Current Opportunities grid for the purpose of running projections. This drop down list, like all drop down list boxes is set by your administrator. The probability is a required field for initial entry of a project.

This is a screenshot of Current Opportunities Factored Value based on Approximate Value and Probability

Project Manager

If your company has defined project managers, the Project Manager drop down list box will be a required field. This field shows up in every grid where projects are shown so that the grid can be filtered by the project manager and they can see just the projects that they are responsible for.

Decision Date

The Decision Date value is the date you expect the potential customer to decide whether or not to book the order. This is a required field for initial entry of the project. While you can change the value here in the project information window, you can also right click on a project from any grid or tree where projects are listed and change as well. You can choose a date from the drop down calendar, or you can simply type in a date using slashes to split month/day/year. The Decision Date is a required field for the initial entry of a project.

Approximate Value

The Approximate Value is the estimated sale value before doing a quote. After a quote is made, this value will be replaced by the most likely quote's estimated sale price automatically (if set up correctly in the Administrator Application). This is a required field for the initial entry of a project, but you can leave it at zero because zero is a value but this is not recommended for proper projecting. This value is also used in conjunction with the probability to calculate the "Factored Value" on Current Opportunities.

When quotes are made, the first one made is the Most Likely by default, but changing the most likely quote will update the approximate value with value of the quote. This is a screen shot of the BOM window showing quotes.

Scope of Work

What you type in the Scope of Work text box will depend on your company policy, however, we recommend that this be a complete description of what other people in your company will need to know in order to quote, order, bill and install the project. You can type as much text as you need to describe the project, but we also give you a Scope Builder to save and re-use commonly used items for the scope of work if that is the way your company works. To use the builder, click the "Scope Builder" (see Using Builders) button and check the "Apply" Checkbox. The Scope of Work is required for the initial entry of a project, but can be edited at any time. The scope of work will show up on the Work Order when printed from the Implementation Calendar.

Requires Installation Checkbox

The "Requires Installation" checkbox is automatically checked or unchecked depending on the Project Type Chosen, however, you can change the value of the checkbox at any time. This is preset in the Administrator Application.

Tax Exempt Checkbox

The "Tax Exempt" checkbox is automatically set by whether or not the end user Company Location Tax Exempt Status is set to Tax Exempt (see Tax Exempt Checkbox). Depending on your individual rights, this checkbox may or may not be available for you to check or uncheck. Please see your administrator if you do not have the ability to change this checkbox and you think you should.

Direct Bill Checkbox

The Direct Bill checkbox is used for Direct Bills to your Manufacturer and Government Sales. It is a filterable field in grids and in the analysis of Orders and Projects. See Direct Bills / GSA for additional information.

Next Touch Type and Date

The Next Touch Type drop down list box and Touch Date Box is a set of tasks that a salesperson can set for themselves to keep the project moving through the process (the values in the list box are set by your administrator, if you think the values should change, see your administrator). Salespeople do not generally have action items that assign to them, so this is a way to set an action item like task for them. Next Touch information goes onto the Salesperson's Events Calendar once a Next Touch Date is set. Once set, the Next Touch can be dragged and dropped on the calendar to reschedule. You can also set the Type and Date by right clicking on a project from any grid or tree where projects are listed. See Using Next Touch Functionality in this manual for more information.

Quote Date

The Quote Date drop down calendar box can be manually filled out, however when a quote is printed, this value will update itself with the date the quote is printed automatically. The quote date shows on the Current Opportunities grid, Backlog Grid and all Project and Order based Analysis Grids.

Furniture Dealer / Architect OR Associate 1 / Associate 2

The Furniture Dealer / Architect or Associate 1 / Associate 2 boxes (the labels will differ depending on your industry) allow you to associate company locations with the project and analyze how many projects (or which projects) outside companies have been associated with. This list box is populated by setting the Architect, Furniture, or Associate checkbox on the company location window (see Company Settings for additional info). You can only choose from the list with these boxes, you cannot just type in an arbitrary company name. You can also supply a contact you are working with from these by typing in a name in the contact box underneath each drop down list box. The contact field here is a free-form and does not save anywhere to the system except for in the Project Information.

Project #

The Project # is automatically generated by the database when the project is initially saved and is unique to this project. You cannot type in this box, however you can select the text and copy it by right clicking or using the CTRL + C method of copying.

Job #

The Job # is set at the Order Entry stage of the process and cannot be typed in this window. In most cases, our customers choose to have the project number become the job number (Admin Setting) and follow all the way through the project, however job numbers can be set manually when the order is booked.

End User

The End User Company Location will be filled out initially with the Company Location (or the contact's Company Location) you started the project from. You can change the end user at any time. See the Company Labels section of this manual for more information on how to change it.

Sales Credit

The Sales Credit / Access grid allows you to add salespeople to be able to access the project or to share a project with another salesperson. If you are a salesperson, and the Primary Salesperson is not set on the end user company location, you will be added to the grid automatically when the project saves at 100% credit. The salesperson and credit % are editable inside of the grid using drop downs. The credit MUST add up to 100%. If there is a Primary Salesperson set on the Company Location they will automatically be added no matter who starts the Project.

Add salespeople by clicking the "Add" button. Delete by clicking the "Delete" button with a row selected in the grid. These buttons may be grayed out after the initial save of the project if you do not have the rights to modify sales credit.

Project Contact(s)

The Project Contact section allows you to associate any contact already existing in your database, no matter what company they are associated with, with this project. This allows you to find projects in the Main Search tool by looking up the contact record of any associated contact and switching the "Search For" to "Projects".

If you started the project from a contact or a lead record, the contact will automatically be added to the project when you save it for the first time. Adding contacts after that is as simple as dragging and dropping from any grid or tree that lists contacts, or you can simply click on the "Add Quick Contact" button (recommended) to the left of the Project Contacts Grid. The Add Quick Contact window will pop up and will initially be populated with all of the contacts from the End User's company location no matter which location they are associated with (on the lower portion of the Add Quick Contact window). The Add Quick Contact window can also be used as a search to find any contact already in your database by filling out the First and Last Name boxes and tabbing out of the last name field. You can also simply fill out a new contact by filling out the form completely and pressing the "Save" Button. If you want to use one of the contacts from the grid (either from the initial company list or by searching), highlight the contact(s) you want to add and then click, drag and drop them into the project contact grid.

Inside of the project contacts grid is the Project Contact Type. This is what type of contact this is to this particular project. For example, an architect would be an "Architect" contact type, but to this project they may be an "Influencer". You can set Project Contact Type by adjusting directly in this grid. Setting these values will help others down the road in the business process to find the right contact for their purposes without having to ask for information from the salesperson especially your Installers as this information carries through to the Work Order / Delivery Ticket.

You can set the Primary Contact of a project by highlighting the contact and then clicking the "Mark As Primary Contact" on the panel to the right of the grid. There can only be one Primary Contact per project, so if you already have a primary contact set, setting a different one will undo the first selection. The first contact you add will automatically be set as the Primary Contact. This info carries over to the Quote as the “Prepared For”. The check box is NOT an editable field.

Remove a Contact from a Project

You can remove contacts from this grid ONLY by highlighting them in the grid, then clicking the "Remove Selected Contacts" button to the right of the Project Contacts Grid. If you have the rights to Delete a Contact you can right click & delete but this will permanently remove the contact from the database unless you run a query to undo deletion.

Schedule an Event

Using the "Schedule an Event" button to the left of the Project Contacts grid while a contact is selected will take you to the Events Calendar (which is connected to your Outlook calendar if synced properly) where you will select either some time slots or a day and then click the "New Appointment" button. The event will automatically be tied to the contact and the project (it will show up both in Event History for the Contact and Event History for the Project).

Mail Merge

Using the mail merge button while one or more contacts are selected opens the Perform Mail Merge window and places all of the selected contacts into the recipients list box. For more information on mail merges, see Perform Mail Merge from a Contact. This is one of only 2 ways to get project information to merge into a mail merge.