This is a grid listing of all notes that have been saved to the project. Notes have 3 check boxes to take note of in the grid. 

  1. Pop-Up on Open - This checkbox will pop-up any notes before actually opening the project record. Anyone can turn this function on or off. Multiple notes can be marked as Pop-Up on Open to ensure the dissemination of information. A good example of using this functionality is when a customer has special instructions for security or is a customer you no longer want to do business with.

  2. Pop-Up on Child Creation - This checkbox will pop-up any notes that are set whenever a Project, Service Ticket, Serviceable Item or Service Agreement is created. This functionality can be especially useful when a company is on credit hold.

  3. Customer Viewable - If you have the appropriate rights, you can set notes to be customer viewable on the customer web portal. When a customer logs into the customer web portal they can see any notes that you have made customer viewable.

After the initial creation of the note & you want to remove one of these options off the note - open the project > go to "History" > "Notes" > Remove any necessary check boxes on the row of the selected line.