You can place a Project / Job On Hold so you and your team is aware it is on hold and why it is on hold.
You can also right click on the Project in any grid to access the shortcut menu to access Actions > Place on Hold.
The following box appears for you to type a reason why the Project / Job is being Placed On Hold.
When the project is opened it will display an "On Hold" icon and a notification will appear in the top right corner with the On Hold detail.
You will also see all Projects / Jobs On Hold in the "Today Menu" under "Projects / Jobs On Hold". When clicked the grid will open. You can double click to open the project information page or right click to show the shortcut menu.
To Remove a Project / Job from "On Hold" status, you will need to either right click on the project in any grid to access the shortcut menu or open the project and select "Remove Hold". This will remove the On Hold status and clear from the On Hold Project list/grid.
You can setup groups to receive an alert when the Project / Job has been placed On Hold and when the Hold has been removed. See instructions below on how to enable this feature:
Open the e-manageONE Administrator > click on "Tools" > "User Group Configuration"
Open the group by clicking on the dropdown arrow on the far right and select the group you want alerted
Check the box "Alert On Hold"
The alerts will show up in e-manageONE in the "Alerts" Tab at the bottom of the screen when a Project / Job is "Placed On Hold". You will need to select the Alert(s) and right click on it and select "Acknowledge" for the Alert to be removed.