This is the Acknowledgements / Costing window where acknowledgements are reconciled against purchase orders. In the upper left hand corner of the window is a grid listing of purchase orders generated for the project. Select a purchase order from the list that you have received an acknowledgement for and click the Add Acknowledgement button.
The window shown below is the Add / Edit Vendor Acknowledgement window. The highlighted text are the line items pulling in from the Purchase Order issued to Vendor.
Fill out the required fields (Ack Ship Date and/or Planned Del Date & Ack #) and use one of the methods below to acknowledge the PO Line Items:
Method #1:
This method is typically used when the user prefers/needs to go line by line or the user needs to make adjustments to a quantity or pricing.
Update the Ack Qty column with values from the vendor acknowledgement you have just received. Take notice of the totals at the bottom of the grid to ensure your Ack Totals are matching. You can also adjust the "Ack Price" next to "Ack Qty" if applicable. Highlight the lines you want to acknowledge then select “Acknowledge Selected”.
TIP: You can use the standard keys for highlighting multiple lines. The most common keys are noted below.
Hold CTRL Key: Can highlight multiple lines
Select the first line + SHIFT + select the last line: Will highlight the first, last and everything in between
You can also click your mouse on the row header (row number), hold it down while dragging to the last line and it will select everything
Method #2:
This method is typically used when everything in the acknowledgement window reflects exactly the way you expected it to - same qty’s, same pricing, no adjustments necessary.
Again, be sure to enter the Ack Ship Date or Planned Del Date then simply click “Acknowledge All”. This button should only be used when the acknowledgement matches the Purchase Order exactly the way you expected.
In the lower left hand corner of the window is a grid listing of the acknowledgements that have been entered including the one that was just created. Double clicking the acknowledgement will reopen it for editing.
Don’t forget to Upload the Vendor Acknowledgement (copy received from Vendor) to the Project Documents! |