Commission Plan Configurator

e-manage is capable of handling the Standard commission plan so that you can take the Projects all the way through to Commissions for the most accurate job profiting possible! To setup a commission plan follow the instructions below:

  1. Create a Commission Plan name, set whether the commissions are paid on Profit or Sale and Save.

    1. You can also set a Commission Plan on a Point for Point system by selecting "Use Margin as Commission Rate" and setting a Floor & Ceiling

  2. Hit the drop down to select the new item you just created, set the commission rate under the "Profits % Between" and Add (you can add just one or multiple).

  3. Hit the drop to re-select the commission plan to assign the applicable salespeople to the commission plan on the lower portion of this screen and hit Enter on your keyboard. This will be their default commission, but you can always select a different commission in the commissions window in e-manage One (see the image at the bottom).

Pay Commissions

Commissions are scheduled per Order. Within the project go to Modules > Commissions > Schedule Payment. The plan should default if you assigned a Salesperson to the commission plan above but as mentioned previously you can flip the plan if applicable. You can also override the rate and/or amount if necessary. Fill in all required fields and select Schedule Payment.

Commission Payables Report

Go to Analysis > Print Reports > Commission Payables Report to run a full report on all scheduled commissions. Plug in the date range and select Run Report. You can also push commissions over to Quickbooks in the Quickbooks Integration Application. The following report will show you breakdown by Salesperson and then a Grand Total at the bottom.

See here for additional information and a short video that will walk you through all steps necessary to Process Commissions in e-manage!