This is a list of the sales people and the settings for the user profile opened 

Manage: This column also determines what the user can view in active reports. If you do not have a sales person checked off for the user they will not see their projects in any active reports on the "Today" panel. Typically for a sales rep they are the only one checked off under this column.

Rec Sales Alerts: This column will determine what alerts the user will receive (i.e. when an action item is completed or rejected an auto-alert will be sent on whichever sales rep is checked off in this column). Typically only sales reps profiles have this column checked off for ONLY themselves.

Perform Actions For: This column will decide what salesperson the user can perform actions for. Typically if the user profile you are editing is a designer, sales support role, accounting, etc. - anyone who would need to support a sales person - this column would be checked off for all sales reps.

Show Open Actions: This column will determine what sales reps OPEN actions (action items sent on a sales reps behalf) they can see in their "Open Actions" panel. This typically is checked off for just the sales reps profile OR any managers who would want to manage another sales reps open actions (what is out there for someone to complete for a sales rep).