There are several different things that can prevent you from seeing an Action Item request that you believe you should have received. We will walk through the different areas of the program that could affect your “Actions to Perform” grid or tab.
Days in Advance Setting
You may want to first check that you have the appropriate amount of Days in Advance set in your Actions to Perform grid. Days in Advance is defined as the amount of days out you’d like to see your Action Item requests driven by the “Requested Due Date” on the submission. See here for additional details and how to adjust this setting. Note: This is a per user setting.
Grid Layout Saved with Filter
Ensure you do not have a filter on a column hiding certain items from your saved view. You can check for the filter icon to be shown filled in (example below). Click on the filter icon and select “All” to show everything in the grid. See here for additional details on Saved Grid Layouts.
If none of the above fix the issue and you still feel like you should be receiving a particular Action Item, the remaining solutions would need to be troubleshooted by your Administrator (someone who has access to the e-manageONE Administrator Application). Below are some suggestions of where the problem may be.
Incorrect Group Assigned to Project Action Item
In the Administrator Application, select Tools > Project Action Items Configuration. Select the applicable Action Item then select the “Assignments” tab in the upper right corner. You can now determine what group is assigned to that Action Item and in the next step ensure the user is assigned to this group or make any necessary changes.
User Not Assigned to Action Item Group
In the Administrator Application, select Action Item Groups submenu under Users menu. Select the applicable Group from the “Group Name” drop down menu and add (check) any necessary users or remove (uncheck) Member checkbox as needed.
User Not Setup to “Perform Actions For” Salesperson
In the Administrator Application, select the User from the Active User drop down > Open (or Enter on keyboard) > Ensure the user can Perform Actions For the applicable Salesperson. See here for additional information on this section of the Admin.
See here for additional information on Project Action Items. If these Troubleshooting tips do not resolve your issue please call into Support at (949) 288-3956.