e-manage|ONE offers flexible exporting options, allowing you to extract data for reporting, analysis, and sharing. Here's an overview of how to export information from documents and grids within the software.

Exporting Documents (Quotes, Proposals, etc.)

If you're viewing a PDF version of a document, such as a Quote, follow these steps to export it:

  1. Click the Export button at the top of the document.

  2. Select your preferred format: PDF, Word, or Excel.

This feature makes it easy to distribute or further edit documents outside of e-manage|ONE if necessary.

Exporting from Grids

When working within a Grid View (such as reports, customer lists, or order data), you can use the Grid Functions menu to export the data.

  1. Access the Grid Functions Menu:

  2. Permissions Required:

If the export option isn’t available for a specific grid, reach out to your Administrator to request access. The screenshot below provides instruction on how your Admin can activate this setting.