You need to have Project Matrix installed on the computer you installed e-manage|ONE on. 

Once Project Matrix is installed you will need to map the following which is located under Tools > Configure User Settings > Personal Settings tab. 

You MUST have a path entered as well a "Sif Import to Use" filled in.  The path should be directed to the "Project Spec 4" folder as follows: 

C:\Program Files (x86)\ProjectMatrix\ProjectSpec4

After mapping the file path you will need to copy the ItemSpecification.exe file from the e-manage ONE folder located in C:\Users\%userprofilename%\AppData\Roaming\e-manage One. 

Note: Typing "%appdata%" as shown below directly into the file path in your File Explorer will take you directly to the users Roaming folder to select the "e-manage One" folder.

If e-manage One is not located in this file location, you can easily identify the location by right clicking on your e-manageONE application on your desktop and selecting Properties.

The “ItemSpecification.exe” file will need to be pasted in the Project Spec folder located in C:\Program Files (x86)\ProjectMatrix\ProjectSpec4.