How do I get the accrued sick and vacation time to appear on pay stubs?
Select Edit at the QuickBooks Desktop top menu.
Choose Preferences at the bottom.
Select Payroll & Employees.
Select Company Preferences.
Select the Pay Stub & Voucher Printing option.
Put a check mark in the Vacation used and vacation available and Sick used and sick available boxes.
Select OK then OK to close the preferences window.
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To pay an employee for sick or vacation time:
When creating the check, open the Preview Paycheck window.
Under Earnings, click the drop-down arrow in the Item Name column.
Choose the sick or vacation item you created.
Enter an hourly rate in the Rate column for hourly employees and the number of hours in the Hours column.
For salaried employees, enter the number of hours worked next to the regular salary earnings item in the Hours column and the number of hours paid for sick/vacation time next to the sick/vacation salary earning item in the Hours column. QuickBooks Desktop will divide the salary rate accordingly once the correct number of hours are entered.
Continue to create paychecks as normal.
Sick and Vacation hours used are based on the pay period end date of the paycheck, and not the paycheck date. In addition, Sick and Vacation hours available as of date will update to the most recent paycheck pay period end date for the employee.
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To set up and add sick/vacation accruals to an employee profile:
From the Employee Center, double click the employee name.
Select Payroll Info.
Select the Sick/Vacation button..
In the top half of the Sick and Vacation window, in the Hours available as of mm/dd/yyyy field, enter the number of paid sick hours that are currently available for the employee to use.
Note: This is the hours/dollars available as of today regardless of the date field. The date field defaults to the employee's hire date in QuickBooks Desktop. (After you have started paying the employee, the Hours Available as of date will update to the pay period end date of the employee's most recent paycheck.)
Select the Accrual period drop-down menu and choose one of the accrual periods for sick time. There are 3 different ways to accrue sick and vacation in QuickBooks Desktop:
Beginning of Year: Grant a certain number of hours that the employee can accrue over the course of a year.
Every Paycheck: Accrue certain number of hours per paycheck.
Every Hour on Paycheck: Accrue hours on every paycheck.
In the Hours Accrued field, enter the number of hours that will be accrued (based on your selection in step 5). For example, you give 80 hours of vacation per year and it is accrued biweekly. You would enter 3.08 hours (80 hours/26 pay periods = 3.08 hours).
(Optional) In the Maximum number of hours field, enter the maximum balance of sick hours that the employee can have.
If you want sick hours to reset to zero when a new accrual year begins, select the Reset hours each new year? checkbox.
Enter the start date of year the accrual year.
If the employee accrues sick time on a calendar year, enter January 1.
If the employee accrues sick time on a different schedule, for example an anniversary year, enter the day that year begins.
Enter the date that sick time should begin accruing.
To specify accrual information for vacation hours, repeat steps 4 through 10 for the Vacation section of the window.
Select OK to record your changes.
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