10005-emanage|ONE Release Notes

10005-emanage|ONE Release Notes

Updated US Zip Code & Tax Rate Module


  • Only the e-manage|ONE Administrator should perform the update

  • This e-manage|ONE update contains the update for all US zip Codes and Tax Rates AT NO CHARGE.

  • New Annual Service Available ($750 per Customer)**

    • Monthly updated tax rates for ALL states

    • Enhanced importing of taxes to prevent duplicate zip codes/states from being created

    • Click here for a guide on importing tax rates

  • Enhanced Manual Updating for Users without a subscription

  • Added a State labeled “AP” which consists of US Military Bases located outside the US.

    • The Google pop-up notification upon creation of a company using one of the zip codes tied to the state AP will not prevent a company from saving. It is only a warning that google cannot validate the address.

  • Enhanced grid refreshing in the Zip Codes and Tax Rates Admin window.


Subscription Tax Import Guide (Link)

Manual Tax Import Guide (Link)



  • The Annual $750 subscription will automatically apply and renew for US customers upon the annual renewal of their support contract. Users who would like to opt out of the subscription will need to notify e-manageONE support by email (support@emanageone.com).






Action Items:

·       Added a checkbox to mark an action item as commissionable and added a threshold to start charging after it exceeds the number of instances entered.

·       Added checkbox to send an email notification to the Salesperson on the project as a secondary notification.


·       Added Surveys configurable per action item type. These will automatically save to the “Surveys” module.






·       Added Order Status grid within all projects.

o   Located in the Project Information Tab

o   Contains all orders on a project and the acknowledgments tied to them (the little +) on the left)



·       Updated Project Information report to include Order Status

·       Updated default work order report.

·       Added Vendor field to BOM report.

·       Corrected problem that prevented seeing public saved queries by adding a checkbox to make them not public.



·       Added Project Manager to several grids in the “Today” tab

·       Added Planned Delivery Date to Acknowledgements grid in the “Today” tab

·       Updated Sales Tax Report to allow for cash-based reporting by Paid Date




·       Updated PO Report for continuous line numbering rather than resetting each phase

·       Updated Current Opportunities to show all active and most likely quotes that have not yet been booked

o   Several fields including Most Likely will be editable directly from the grid

o   Altered Est Sale field to only calculate for Most likely quotes that have not yet been booked

o   Est Value is the sum of all the Most Likely Quotes and Orders for the entire project.

§  This is only true if you have the option selected in the Administrator to update the Approximate Value with Quote Value.

NOTE: You will need to manually uncheck any quotes that are not valid/most likely in this grid. Previous quotes that had been removed may re-appear as they were never truly completed/cleaned up.




UI Updates:

·       Revamped Asset Manager for easier understanding.




·       Updated New / Edit Part window for easier data entry. Pricing starts with list price and flows down while updating.




·       Added Quote # to Quick Search and re-assigned shortcut key from Service Ticket to Quote # (F6)




·       Enhanced Auto Parts Configurator Window.




Web Services

·       Hon:

o   Upgraded and tested to support updated HNI web services

o   Fixed occasional error when trying to submit orders

·       Haworth

o   Future Price Date is now fully functional in EM and Lynx

o   Automatic processing of invoices will now correctly apply taxes

§  New field added on company record to set payable tax accounts

§  For further information and proper setup, please refer to the Help Guide

·       Herman Miller

o   Automatic processing of invoices will now correctly apply taxes


Service Agreements

·       Added functionality to attach emails to Service Agreements



Web Portal:

·       Upgraded Web Portal Server for increased performance



Time Clock

·       Updated and simplified UI

·       You will automatically be selected when opening the time clock, with today’s date and default pay schedule selected

·       Entered times will now remain in the Clock in/Lunch/Clock out to simplify adding several similar timesheets

·       Enhanced ability to enter time not related to a project

·       Enhanced PTO/Sick Days window

·       For more information, please refer to the Help Guide


Bug Fixes

Canadian Dealers:

·       Corrected Canadian tax on quick quotes.

·       Added additional tax refresh when importing a .sif/.xml to the BOM to prevent no-tax bug.

·       Fixed tax calculation on Canadian progress invoices.

·       Fixed Commissions so it removes both GST & PST tax and only includes items that are marked as commissionable.


Teknion Web Services

·       Fixed bug with exporting orders that contained item(s) with no tags.

·       Fixed bug with exporting orders that contained item(s) not tied to a phase/added in PO Module.

·       Added additional fields for Project Matrix users.


Herman Miller Order Services:

·       Fixed the issue with SHIPPING TAG not submitting to Herman Miller



·       Corrected bug where projects on the implementation calendar were showing not fully received when all product had been received.

·       Bin Location is no longer required, and the pop-up notification has been removed.



·       A Commission can be marked as Unpaid if the Commission has not been sent to QuickBooks by right clicking on the scheduled commission.


Quick Contact:

·       Fixed the Contact Status not saving to the Contact Record


Search Payables:

·       Fixed the search by Paid and Not Paid. Also issues with the dates criteria


QuickBooks Integration:

·       Fixed the issue with not being able to double click, open and edit Other Payables


Project Right Click Menu:

·       Fixed Duplicate Project button that was not working



·       Unchecking “Valid” will now automatically uncheck “Most Likely” to prevent skewed values


Importing into BOM

·       Importing line items with a customer discount of 0 or less will no longer increase the sell price

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