10007-emanage|ONE Release Notes

10007-emanage|ONE Release Notes

Release Notes - 10007

 New Features in this release

Feature Number



Add MFGCode to Acknowledgement Views


Vendor bills with a $0.00 sell are searchable in the Search → Project Payables report


Be able to install emanage to a location other than APPDATA.

Run LiveUpdate without Admin rights.

ACTION: Update the LiveUpdate application by right clicking the emanage icon in your tool bar and selecting “Update the e-manage One LiveUpdate”

For a new installer, please go to https://emanageone.com/support/e-manageONE-10007.exe

New Day Planner Items 

Day Planner Name



Sales Projections for the next 30/60/90 days.

Margin Erosion YTD

A list with totals of Purchase Orders that have a Cost that is more than what was Estimated.

Issues resolved in this release

Issue Number



Follow up Tab Count - Follow ups not showing beyond 7 days


Automated naming of documents - when selecting "Save to e-manage ONE" it is using the Invoice ID instead of the friendly invoice #


Payroll Start Setting in Database in the Administrator is not working. Payroll is calculating overtime from Sunday to Saturday instead of using this setting.


Commission Rights not disabling running Commission Payables Report under Reports. Users can also right click and get to the commissions module regardless of their user rights.


(Canadian Customers) Herman Miller web service invoice processing not applying GST/PST for dealers with multiple corporate divisions.


Rejected Action Item emails were going to the wrong users.


Time Clock calendar does not show the current month


Link to 10006 Release Notes



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