Using QB Classes
What are Classes
Classes help to give you an additional way to breakout your financials for different reasons.
You can get more information about classes here
NOTE: There is additional setup for classes, see below and you will need to think through carefully so you can easily assign classes in e-manageONE. e-manage will summarize entries by Product Type so you will basically need a product type for each class.
In the screenshots below under "Setting Up Classes" is a e-manageONE customer located in Hawaii and they wanted to track their sales in QB by county / island for tax reason. They have to pay a different GET (General Excise Tax) in different counties and this was an easy way for the to do that.
You could also use a class to break out costs and expenses for different divisions. The following grids are for another company that wanted to track their profitability by four departments.
To do this they need to create a e-manageONE Product Type for each department they wanted to track and each cost center for each department. You can see the what categories and the classes that need to be assigned.
QuickBooks Accounts
SALES | WIP | COGS | CLASS | Product Type |
New - Material | WIP - New - Material | COGS - New - Material | New | New - Materia |
New - Labor | WIP - New - Labor | COGS - New - Labor | New | New - Labor |
New - Freight | WIP - New - Freight | COGS - New - Freight | New | New - Freight |
New - Misc | WIP - New - Misc | COGS - New - Misc | New | New - Misc |
Refurb - Material | WIP - Refurb - Material | COGS - Refurb - Material | Refurb | Refurb - Material |
Refurb - Labor | WIP - Refurb - Labor | COGS - Refurb - Labor | Refurb | Refurb - Labor |
Refurb - Freight | WIP - Refurb - Freight | COGS - Refurb - Freight | Refurb | Refurb - Freight |
Refurb - Misc | WIP - Refurb - Misc | COGS - Refurb - Misc | Refurb | Refurb - Misc |
IT - Material | WIP - IT - Material | COGS - IT - Material | IT | IT - Material |
IT - Labor | WIP - IT - Labor | COGS - IT - Labor | IT | IT - Labor |
IT - Freight | WIP - IT - Freight | COGS - IT - Freight | IT | IT - Freight |
IT - Misc | WIP - IT - Misc | COGS - IT - Misc | IT | IT - Misc |
Used - Material | WIP - Used - Material | COGS - Used - Material | Used | Used - Material |
Used - Labor | WIP - Used - Labor | COGS - Used - Labor | Used | Used - Labor |
Used - Freight | WIP - Used - Freight | COGS - Used - Freight | Used | Used - Freight |
Used - Misc | WIP - Used - Misc | COGS - Used - Misc | Used | Used - Misc |
Example of QB P&L by Classes
This is not an example of an actual P&L but an example showing how it will be broken out when you run the P&L by class. It will show each account and then the amounts in each class column.
SALES - Products | NEW | REFURB | IT | USED |
Furn - Material |
Furn - Labor |
Furn - Freight |
Furn - Misc |
Refurb - Material |
Refurb - Labor |
Refurb - Freight |
Refurb - Misc |
IT - Material |
IT - Labor |
IT - Freight |
IT - Misc |
Used - Material |
Used - Labor |
Used - Freight |
Used - Misc |
COGS - Furn - Material |
COGS - Furn - Labor |
COGS - Furn - Freight |
COGS - Furn - Misc |
COGS - Refurb - Material |
COGS - Refurb - Labor |
COGS - Refurb - Freight |
COGS - Refurb - Misc |
COGS - IT - Material |
COGS - IT - Labor |
COGS - IT - Freight |
COGS - IT - Misc |
COGS - Used - Material |
COGS - Used - Labor |
COGS - Used - Freight |
COGS - Used - Misc |
Setting up Classes
If you have two separate QB files than it is not necessary to use Classes.
If you have one QB file (Financial Statement) you will need to import Classes from the e-manageONE QB Integration for each division and need to set the Active / Use in e-manage check boxes.
To set the classes for Payables, you will assign the class after adding the payable in the Acknowledgement & Costing window.
For customer invoices, you will do the same and add the Class to the invoice items in the Customer Invoices window.