Creating Action Items
Actions Items are an integral part of your companies workflow process and an import part of job costing. Action Items is work that is needed to be done in your company as an example, "Drawing Required" or "Drawing Revision".
If prerequisites are part of an Action Item, you will need to complete them (if applicable). Prerequisites are reminders to make sure something is completed or provided before the AI is submitted so the person who is responsible for the AI has everything they need to complete it for you. This will save a tremendous amount of time and confusion. If the Prerequisites are completed without it actually being done than your AI will most likely be rejected requiring you to resubmit the AI.
Documents can be attached to the AI from the project or anywhere in e-manage by dragging and dropping into the "Supporting Documents" window of the AI. This will save time for the person responsible and not require them to search for the supporting documents.
A note can be included in the "Add Additional Information Here" window to expand on what needs to be done.
Something to think about… Action Items can be extremely powerful and will streamline your business in many ways. Take time to review your process on a regular basis to see how you can improve. In the image below you will notice that this is an AI to Process Order and it has a list of Prerequisites (Reminders). One of the Prerequisites is to Create another AI for a Customer Thank You. The whole idea is to make it easier to do your job and not have to remember basic things so you can focus on more important parts of your job.