Recently Completed Orders Grid Definitions

Recently Completed Orders Grid Definitions

Definition of Grid: The Recently Completed Orders Grid is a collection of all orders completed within the last month.

Column Name


Acknowledged Unbilled Cost

The sum of all POs that have been acknowledged but not billed by the vendor


Acknowledgment information pulled from Acknowledgments / Costing module

Acknowledgment Count

The number of acknowledgements on the order

Acknowledgments Not Received

The number of acknowledgements on the order that have not yet been received in the receiving module

Acknowledgments Not Shipped

The number of acknowledgements on the order that have not yet been shipped by the manufacturer (based on Ack Ship Date)

Acknowledgments Received

The number of acknowledgements on the order that have been received in the receiving module

Acknowledgments Shipped

The number of acknowledgements on the order that have been shipped by the manufacturer (based on Ack Ship Date)

Actual PO Cost

The sum of current POs on the specified order


Address of where product is installing / delivering product to (End User Location)


Suite, Building or Apartment Number of where you are installing / delivering product to (Extended address of End User Location)

Admin Hours

The sum of hours clocked in as "admin time" in the TimeClock for this specific order.

Applied Deposits

Deposits that have been paid and have been applied through batch entry

Available Deposits

Deposits that have not yet been paid and have been applied through batch entry

Avg Aging Days

The average amount of days that the Company takes to pay invoices. Based on End User Company


The Balance field in Order Entry module. Order Sale Price - Invoices - Deposits

Bill To Company

Where you are sending the billing invoice to.  The Company Name for the Bill To on this specific order. Entered on the Quote, then pulled through to Order Entry/Invoice

Bill To Fax

Fax Number of Bill To Company

Bill o Phone

Phone Number of Bill To Company

Booking Credit

Booking credit from the Order Entry screen on the specified order


If the order was cancelled through the Project > Actions > Cancel This Project

Cancelled By

Name of user who cancels project

Cancelled Date

Date project was cancelled

Cancelled Reason

Reason project was cancelled

Can Visit

A location you can have clients visit after the installation is complete, pulls from Company Information/record


City of End User Company

Commisionable Income

The sum of OrderSalePrice where the items are marked as a commissionable product type and in the BOM

Commissionable Cost

The sum of Cost (based on order entry) where the items are marked as a commissionable product type and are marked comissionable in the BOM

Commissions Due

The sum of commissions due for the order

Commissions Paid

The sum of paid commissions for the order

Commission Use Margin

Checkbox indicating that the Vendor commission % will be the same as the Margin in the BOM. Pulls from Vendor Company Record

Company ID

The CompanyID for the End User

Company Type

The company type (customer , vendor, etc.) assigned to the Company Information/record of the Project


Checkbox marked when project has been completed (Actions > Complete This Project)

Completed On

The date the order was marked completed in the Order Entry module (checkbox)

Completed Date

The date the project was marked complete (Actions > Complete Project)

Completed Job Count

The count of Projects that have been marked Complete for this end user company

Confirmed With

Name of person who signed quote/confirmed order, pulls from Order Entry 

Contract Type

The type of contract with the customer, pulls from Order Entry

Corporate Division

The Corporate Division assigned to the Project in the Project Information Module that made this sale/order.

Corporate Division ID

The ID of the corporate division that this project is under. Used to pull the corporate division name

Create Date

Date End User Company Information/record was created

Created By

Name of user who created End User Company Information/record

Credit Hold By

User who marks the company on Credit Hold in End User Company Information/record

Credit Hold Date

Date user marks the company on Credit Hold in End User Company Information/record

Credit Hold Reason

Reason when marking the company on Credit Hold in End User Company Information/record

Current Job Count

The count of Projects that have been booked for this end user company

Current Opportunity Count

The count of Projects that have not yet been booked for this end user company

Current Orders

The amount of orders that have not yet been invoiced for the End User Company

Cust Disc

The discount percentage to the customer. Based on  the BOM


Company name of End User

Customer PO

The customer PO number, set in the Order Entry module

Days In Status

The days since the last status change on the order

Default Terms

The Default Terms for the End User Company record


Discounts applied to invoices on the order

Does Not Require Physical PO

Checkbox is marked when End User is assigned as Vendor in Company Type drop down and 'Does NOT Require Physical PO' is marked in Company Information/record

Drive1 Hours

The amount of hours it takes to drive for the order. Based on DriveTime1 in Time Sheets

Drive2 Hours

The amount of hours it takes to drive for the order. Based on DriveTime2 in Time Sheets

DT Hours

Double Time hours entered against this order in the Time Clock

End User Company

End User is where the Product is being delivered to / installed at

End User Location

Location of End User Company - i.e. branch location or store number

End User Phone

Phone Number of End User Company

End User Toll Free

Toll Free Phone Number of End User Company

End User Total Receivables

The total outstanding receivables tied to this end user company

Est Cost

The sum of cost in the BOM Module for the specific order/options.

Estimated Cost

The sum of cost in the BOM Module for the specific order/options

Estimated Labor Cost

The cost in the BOM where the product type is a Labor Product Type for the specific order. Labor Product Types can be configured in Tools > Configure Labor Product Types

Estimated Labor Sale

The sell in the BOM where the product type is a Labor Product Type for the specific order. Labor Product Types can be configured in Tools > Configure Labor Product Types

Estimated Margin

The margin % for the order based on the BOM

Estimated PO Tax

The sum of tax on current POs on the specified order

Estimated PO Total

The sum of all existing POs for this order

Estimated Profit

The Estimated Profit dollars based on the specific order

Estimated Sale

The sum of sale in the BOM Module for the specific order/options

Est Labor Cost Remaining

The sum of labor cost in the BOM that has not yet been booked 

Est Labor Hrs

The estimated labor hours

Est Use Tax

The sum of UseTax in the BOM Module for the specific order/options

Expected Complete

The expected date of completion of this order. Set in the Order Entry module


The Fax # for the End User company, pulls from Company Information

First Sched Install Day

The first scheduled install day on the Implementation Calendar

Hot Job

A project with a deficiency on it, marked by going to Actions > Mark as Hot Job.

Hot Job Assigned By

The user who marked the project as a Hot Job (deficiency)

Hot Job Date

The date on which the project was marked as a Hot Job (deficiency)

Hot Job Reason

The reason a project was marked as a Hot Job (deficiency). This is a required field when marking the project as a hot job.

Installation Completed On

The date of the last day on the Implementation Calendar for the particular order installation

Installation Vendor

Indicates if the End User is a Installation Vendor (Sub Contractor)

Internal Labor Cost Estimate

Sum of Labor Cost in the BOM where the vendor is set to a company which as the "POs Created are Internal Cost Only" checkbox selected AND Product type is a labor product type, set in Tools > Configure Labor Product Types

Internal Labor Sale Estimate

Sum of Labor Sale in the BOM where the vendor is set to a company which as the "POs Created are Internal Cost Only" checkbox selected AND Product type is a labor product type, set in Tools > Configure Labor Product Types

Inventory Cost

The cost of inventory goods

Inventory Not Yet Received

The amount of inventory items that have not yet been received in the receiving module


The sum of Invoices on the particular order

Is Architect

Checkbox is marked when End User is marked as 'Architect' in Company Information/record

Is COM Ship To

Checkbox is marked when End User is assigned as Vendor in Company Type drop down and 'I Ship COM Fabric to This Location' is marked in Company Information/record

Is Direct Bill

Checkbox is marked when End User is marked as 'Architect' in Company Information/record

Is Furniture Dealer

Checkbox is marked when End User is marked as 'Furn Dlr' in Company Information/record

Is Reference

Is a company that can be used as a reference, pulls from the Company Information/record

Is Warehouse

Checkbox is marked when End User is marked as 'Is Warehouse' in Company Information/record

Job #

Auto-generated to be the same as the project number when an order has been booked AND the Order Book Date + Job Book Date have been filled out

Journal Cost

The cost applied to the order as a Journal Cost via Batch Entry 

Journal Costs

The cost applied via batch entry to the order as a Journal Cost

Labor Cost To Date

The sum of Internal Labor Cost and Sub Labor Cost to Date. The Labor Cost pulls from the time sheets, while the Sub Labor Cost pulls from the vendor invoices for vendors with the "Subcontractor" box checked in Company Record

Last Order Date

The date on which an order was last placed for this end user company

Last Sched Install Day

The last day that the order is scheduled for on the implementation calendar

Last Status Change Date

The date on which the project status was last changed. The status should be changed automatically based on Action Items setup in administrator, but can also be manually changed.


The Latitude coordinates of the End User Company


The Longitude coordinates of the End User Company

Market Type

The Market Type drop down assigned to the Company Information/record

Next Appointment

Set through Actions > Add a Follow Up on the project.

Next Touch Date

A date set in the Project Information module as a reminder of when to contact the client next

Next Touch Type

The way to contact the client on the Next Touch Date - i.e. email, phone call, in person meeting. Set in the Project Information module.

NonCommissionable Cost

The sum of cost (based on order entry) where the items are not marked as a commissionable product type and are not marked commissionable in the BOM

NonCommissionable Income

The sum of OrderSalePrice where the items are not marked as a commissionable product type and are not marked commissionable in the BOM

Number Of Employees

Number or Employees of the End User company, pulls from Employee # field in Company Information/record

On Credit Hold

Indicates if the end user company has been placed on Credit Hold in the Company Record

On Hold

The project has been marked On Hold through Actions > Put Project On Hold

On Hold By

The user who marked the project as on hold

On Hold Date

The date on which the project was marked as on hold

On Hold Reason

The reason a project was marked as on hold. This is a required field when marking the job on hold.

Opp Notes

A general note for the project, pulls from the Current Opportunities grid.

Order Complete

The date the order was completed in the Order Entry module (checkbox)

Order Sale Price

The sum of sale in the BOM for the specific quote being processed in the Order Entry module.

Order Type

The type of order, based on the Order Entry module "Order Type" drop down.

Order Actual Labor Cost

The actual labor cost on the order, based on time sheets

Order Book Date

The date the order was booked on in the Order Entry module

Order Invoice Date

The date the order was invoiced on. Found in the order entry module

Order Name

The name of the order, set in the Order Entry module

Order Sales Tax

The sum of tax in the BOM for the specific quote being processed in the Order Entry module.

Order Sale With Tax

The Oder Sales amount including the Tax

Order Status

The Status of the order. This is a manual and an automated change. You can and should have the status change based on workflow, Action Items being checked out and completed. You can include the manual update of the status in your workflow as Completion Tasks on Action Items. This will help you better manage where an order is at in the process.

OT Hours

The total overtime hours on the order, based on time sheets

Outstanding Receivables

The balance remaining on the invoices

Paid Bills

The sum of all vendor invoices that have been paid


The sum of all customer payments

PO Items Not Yet Received

A count of the PO items not received in the receiving module

POs Are Internal

Checkbox is marked when End User is assigned as Vendor in Company Type drop down and 'PO's Created are Internal Cost Only' is marked in Company Information/record

Primary Salesperson

The Primary Salesperson on the project

Primary Contact

The name of the Primary Contact from the Project Information module

Primary Contact Company

The company the Primary Contact is associated with

Primary Contact Direct Phone

The Direct Phone number of the Primary Contact

Primary Contact Email

The email address of the Primary Contact

Primary Contact Main Phone

The Main Phone of the Primary Contact

Primary Contact Mobile Phone

The Mobile Phone of the Primary Contact

Product and SubCost

The sum of actual cost, based on vendor invoices in the Acknowledgements window

Project #

The Project number

Project Manager

The Project Manager associated with the project, pulls from Project Information

Project Name

The Project Name, pulls from Project Information

Project Status

The Project Status, pulls from Project Information

Project Type

The Project Type, pulls from Project Information

Projected GP

OrderSalePrice - Total Cost (Journal costs + Labour Costs + Unpaid Bills + Pail Bills + inventory cost + unbill cost)

Projected GP Before Labor

The Projected gross profit not including labor sell/cost

Projected Margin

Project GP divided by Order Sale Price (%)

Project Order ID

The Order ID of the particular order

Project Quote ID

The Quote ID of the quote tied to the particular order

Reference Contact

A contact that can provide you a reference, pulls from Project Information in the Contacts section

Referred By

Referred By drop down assigned to the Company Information/record attached to the Project

Reg Hours

The sum of regular hours on the order, pulls from Time Sheets

Requested Ship

The Requested ship date of the order, pulls from order entry

Requested Complete

The requested complete date of the order, pulls from Order Entry

Requested Install Start

The requested install start date, pulls from Order Entry

Requires Installation

A checkbox indicating if the particular order requires installation, pulls from Order Entry

Resale Certificate

Resale # set in the End User Company Information/record

SAG Sales

The sum of Service Agreement Sales for the End User Company


A list of all salespeople on the project

Sales Territory

Sales Territory drop down assigned to the Company Information/record attached to the Project

Sends Acknowledgement

Checkbox is marked when End User is assigned as Vendor in Company Type drop down and 'Vendor Sends Acknowledgments' is marked in Company Information/record

Serv Tick Sales

The sum of Service Ticket Sales for the End User Company


Standard Industrial Classification four-digit code that categorize the industries that companies belong to while organizing the industries by their business activities.  Pulls from the End User Company Information/record


State of End User Company


Status of End User assigned from drop down in Company Information/record

Subcontracted Labor Cost Estimate

The sum of labor cost where the vendor is a subcontractor (marked as one in the company setup), based on the BOM

Subcontracted Labor Sale Estimate

The sum of labor sale where the vendor is a subcontractor (marked as one in the company setup), based on the BOM

Tax Code

The Tax Code of the End User Company

Tax Exempt

Checkbox marked when project is assigned as Tax Exempt in Project Information module

Team Members

The Team Members on the project, pulls from Project Information module

Terms of Sale

The terms of sale for the invoice, pulls from the Customer Invoice module

Total Booking Credit

The Booking Credit from the Order Entry Module

Total Cost To Date

The sum of Vendor invoices + Journal Costs + Labor Cost

Total Sales

The Total Sales amount for all projects tied to this end user company

Unacknowledged Unbilled Cost

Cost for which POs have been created but have not been acknowledged or billed by the vendor yet

Unbilled Cost

The sum of acknowledgements that have not yet been vendor invoiced

Un Paid Bills

The sum of acknowledgements that have been vendor invoiced but not yet paid


Customizable field based on Company Record


Customizable field based on Company Record


Customizable field based on Company Record


Customizable field based on Company Record

Vendor Commission

The Vendor Commission % based on the BOM. Only relevant for Direct Bills


Website address of End User Company, pulls from Company Information/record


Zip code / postal code of End User Company

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