Vendor Acknowledgements Grid Definitions
Definition of Grid: The Vendor Acknowledgements Grid is a collection of all acknowledgements and will remain on this report until all products have been received. | |
Column Name | Definitions |
Ack Cost | Acknowledged Cost |
Ack Created | Date the Acknowledgement was created |
Ack Note | Internal Note on the Acknowledgement |
Acknowledgement Number | Acknowledgement Number / Name |
Ack Ship Date | Date that product is expected to ship |
Assigned PO | Number / Name of the PO |
Confirmed With | Customer who the Order was Confirmed / Approved by. Pulls from the Approved By field in Order Entry module. |
Created By | User who created the Acknowledgement |
Customer | End User on the Project |
Customer Location | Location of the End User on the Project |
Deleted | Indicates whether the PO has been deleted |
Expected Complete | Expected Complete date for Order |
Install City | City of the Install At address |
Install County | County of the Install At address |
Job Number | Number / ID of a Job |
Number Of Items | Count of Items on the Acknowledgement |
Order Name | Name of the Order |
Phase | List of Phase Names that are included on the Acknowledgement |
Planned Delivery Date | The Planned / Estimated Delivery Date of the Product |
POID | Unique Identifier of the PO |
Project ID | Number / ID of the Project |
Project Manager | Project Manager on the Project - Pulls from Project Information Module |
Project Name | Name of the Project |
Project PO Acknowledgement ID | Unique Identifier of the Acknowledgement |
Project Quote ID | Unique Identifier of the Quote |
Project Status | Current Status of the Project |
Project Type | Type of Project |
Qty Not Yet Received | Sum of the Quantity of Items that have not yet been received |
Requested Complete | Date requested by Customer for Completion of Order |
Requested Install Start | Date requested by Customer for start of Installation |
Requested Ship | Date requested for Shipment from Vendor |
Salespeople | Salespeople on the Project |
Sales Territory | Sales Territory of the End User on the Project |
Ship Date | Date the product shipped |
Team Members | Team Members on the Project - Pulls from Project Information Module |
Total Cubes | Sum of volume of all the product in Cubes |
Tracking Number | Tracking Number on the Acknowledgement |
Track On Receiving | Indicates whether this Acknowledgement should show on Receiving grids |
Vendor | Name of the Vendor for this Acknowledgement |
Vendor ID | Unique Identifier of the Vendor Company |