Vendor Acknowledgements Grid Definitions

Definition of Grid: The Vendor Acknowledgements Grid is a collection of all acknowledgements and will remain on this report until all products have been received.

Column Name


Ack Cost

Acknowledged Cost

Ack Created

Date the Acknowledgement was created

Ack Note

Internal Note on the Acknowledgement

Acknowledgement Number

Acknowledgement Number / Name

Ack Ship Date

Date that product is expected to ship

Assigned PO

Number / Name of the PO

Confirmed With

Customer who the Order was Confirmed / Approved by. Pulls from the Approved By field in Order Entry module.

Created By

User who created the Acknowledgement


End User on the Project

Customer Location

Location of the End User on the Project


Indicates whether the PO has been deleted

Expected Complete

Expected Complete date for Order

Install City

City of the Install At address

Install County

County of the Install At address

Job Number

Number / ID of a Job

Number Of Items

Count of Items on the Acknowledgement

Order Name

Name of the Order


List of Phase Names that are included on the Acknowledgement

Planned Delivery Date

The Planned / Estimated Delivery Date of the Product


Unique Identifier of the PO

Project ID

Number / ID of the Project

Project Manager

Project Manager on the Project - Pulls from Project Information Module

Project Name

Name of the Project

Project PO Acknowledgement ID

Unique Identifier of the Acknowledgement

Project Quote ID

Unique Identifier of the Quote 

Project Status

Current Status of the Project

Project Type

Type of Project

Qty Not Yet Received

Sum of the Quantity of Items that have not yet been received

Requested Complete

Date requested by Customer for Completion of Order

Requested Install Start

Date requested by Customer for start of Installation

Requested Ship

Date requested for Shipment from Vendor


Salespeople on the Project

Sales Territory

Sales Territory of the End User on the Project

Ship Date

Date the product shipped

Team Members

Team Members on the Project - Pulls from Project Information Module

Total Cubes

Sum of volume of all the product in Cubes

Tracking Number

Tracking Number on the Acknowledgement

Track On Receiving

Indicates whether this Acknowledgement should show on Receiving grids


Name of the Vendor for this Acknowledgement

Vendor ID

Unique Identifier of the Vendor Company