e-manage|ONE Glossary

e-manage|ONE Glossary

e-manage may use some terms you are not familiar with or are different than what you are used to. Below is a list to help get familiar with the e-manage terminology.


Potential sales opportunities

Leads / Lead Records

A way to track potential business before you have a scope of work (to start a project); Also a way to track your marketing efforts using marketing campaigns


Projects change into Jobs after being booked as an order

Action Items

Workflow processes, milestones or work that needs to be done in your organization, internal e-mails


Is the same as Installation (we use this term because it covers multiple business types and activities)

Current Opportunities

All active Projects (Moves to Backlog once it has been booked)


Processed order in the order entry module


Booked Jobs that have not been invoiced to the customer for final

Cashflow Management

All open orders that have Backlog $ or Open AR or Unpaid Bills

Active Quotes

Quotes that are within the expired date of the quote

Expired Quotes

Quotes that are beyond the expired date

Bill of Materials

A bill of materials or product structure is a list of parts (furniture and/or services) and the quantities of each needed to build a customer quote and order product and/or services


A new option creates a new unique quote number; Options can also be combined to create one quote; Options can also truly be used to present multiple options to a client


Phases are typically used for organizing your BOM structure into different "Tags" or "Sections" but can also be used truly for multiple Phases of a Project (i.e. Conference Room, Room 105, Phase 1, Phase 2, Etc.)


This is the area of the Bill of Materials that contains parts


Data in the form of a grid that can be visually modified; You will see grids in just about every window in e-manage


e-manage Administrator Terms

User Groups

Groups of users responsible for performing Action Items

User Profiles

Rights for groups of users

Drop Down Lists

All drop downs in e-manage that can be configured & customized to fit your Dealership needs