Processing the BOM to Create an Order

Processing the BOM to Create an Order

The Order Entry module in e-manage|ONE is a critical component for processing orders before creating purchase orders. This screen is closely linked to the Customer Invoicing screen, so any necessary adjustments in the Customer Invoice must be made in this module. Here's how to effectively use the Order Entry module:


  1. Associating Orders with Quotes

To ensure seamless tracking and integration within the system, we recommend changing the Order Name to match the associated Quote Number. This establishes a clear connection between Quotes, Orders, and Customer Invoices.

  1. Selecting and Saving the Chosen Quote

Begin by selecting the quote you wish to process. Afterward, click the small save button located on the "Chosen Quote" line. Take note of the Terms of Sale auto-populating. This indicates you have correctly attached the selected Quote to the Order.

  1. Essential Selections

Now, you'll need to make several important selections:

  • Order Type: Choose the appropriate order type.

  • Contract Type: Specify the contract type for this order.

  • Terms of Sale: This field should automatically populate once you save your selections.

  • Customer PO: Enter the Customer PO # or our reccomendation is to enter the Customer Name of the person who signed off on the quote.

  • Job Book Date: Set the job book date. Standard selection: Today’s date.

  • Order Book Date: Note that there are two order book date options because you can have multiple orders per job. Select the relevant one.


  1. Processing the Bill of Materials (BOM)

Once you've made these selections, you can click the "Process BOM" button. This action opens the Process BOM window.

5. Processing Options

In the Process BOM window, you have the choice to process by Line Item or by Phase. This decision determines whether you want to display all the line items from the Bill of Materials on the invoice or show summary information grouped by phase. By default, Line Item/Hybrid Phase is usually suitable for most situations.

  1. Custom Entries

If you need to create custom entries and don't wish to process the BOM, you have the option to click on "Create / Edit Line Item" at the bottom left. If you opt for this route, make sure to save your custom entry by clicking the save button next to "Process BOM."

If you need to process an additional quote on the same project (additional order), see here for further instructions.

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