Exporting Teknion Order SIF

Exporting Teknion Order SIF

Follow these steps to prepare and export an Order SIF for Teknion using e-manage|ONE:

  1. Access Teknion Order Services:

    • Navigate to Web Services > Teknion Order Services.

  1. Select the Vendor:

    • In the Select Teknion MFG dropdown, choose the applicable vendor.

  1. Prepare the Order SIF:

    • Double-click on the Purchase Order (PO) to fill in all required fields.

    • Select "Save as Default Values for Customer" if you want these fields to auto-fill in future orders.

    • Click Save.

  1. Refresh Orders Grid:

    • Select Refresh Orders Grid to update the status to "Okay to Go."

  1. Export the Order SIF:

    • Highlight the order and select Create Teknion .sif Export File.

    • The order will disappear from the list, and the SIF file will be saved in PC > Documents > e-manage One SIF Exports.

      • Tip: Pin this folder to your "Quick Access" or "Favorites" for easy access.