Order Status Grid Definitions
Column Name | Definition |
#of Items |
#of Trucks |
% Shipped |
Ack Count |
Acks Not Received |
Acks Not Shipped |
Acks Received |
Acks Shipped |
All Product Received | Checkbox indicating if all product for this order has been received in the Receiving module |
All Products Received Date | Auto-populated date when all products on the order have been received. When opening the the Order Status module, it checks if any items have a balance in the receiving module and if there is not a balance, it will populate the date that the last items were received. |
Book Date | Date selected on Order Book Date in Order Entry module. Typically the actual day the Order was processed. |
City | City tied to the End User |
Corporate Division ID | The corporate division (or location) that made this sale/order |
County | County tied to the End User |
Customer PO | The Customer PO pulls from the CustomerPO textbox in the Order Entry |
Deposits | Customer Deposits applied to this order |
Designer | Designer assigned to Project in Project Information module |
End User | End User is where the Product is being delivered to / installed at. Typically the location the Project is started from. Find this information in the Project Information module. |
End User Address | Address tied to the End User |
Expected Complete | The Date you expect to completed the Order. This Date can be very useful and is a Best Practices. You should include the update of this Date in your workflow as Completion Tasks on Action Items. You can run reports based on Expected Completion Date to provide cashflow forecasts. |
First Sched Install Day | The first day the order has been scheduled on the Implementation Calendar |
Inst. Completed On | Date the Install was marked completed for the entire order |
Installation Days | Keyed in field (typically entered within the Install Calendar) for est. amount of installation days |
Installers Per Day | Keyed in field (typically entered within the Install Calendar) for est. amount of installers |
Inventory Not Yet Received |
Invoiced | The Sum all invoices on a particular order |
Job Number | Job # - If blank than the project has not been booked |
Last Sched Install Day | The last day on the Implementation Calendar for the particular order installation |
Last Status Change Date | The last time the Project Status was changed |
Location | Location name tied to the End User |
On Hold | An indication the job is currently on hold (This can be set within a project by going to Actions > Mark as On Hold) |
Order Name | Name of the Order (Best Practice is to name the Order with the Quote # and the Quote Name attached to the Order) |
Order ID | ID assigned by e-manage system typically used for QB Integration (cannot be edited) |
Order Note | Order Note field from Order Entry module |
Order Sale Price | The Order Sales Price is the combination of the Commissionable and Non-Commissionable Sales $ from the Project Order Entry (You have to either Process the BOM or Enter a Line Item in the Order Entry for a Sale to be registered) |
Order Status | The Status of the order. This is a manual and an automated change. You can and should have the status change based on Workflow, Action Items being checked out and completed. You can include the manual update of the status in your workflow as Completion Tasks on Action Items. This will help you better manage where an order is in the process. |
Order Type | The type of Order (I.E Deficiency) set in the Order Entry Module |
PO Items Not Yet Received |
PO Count |
Primary Salesperson | Sales Person assigned to the project in the Project Information Window |
Primary Contact | Contact assigned as Primary in the Project Information module |
Primary Contact Email | Email tied to the Primary Contact |
Primary Contact Main Phone | Main Phone tied to the Primary Contact |
Project | Project # |
Project Name | Name of the Project (Best practice is to put the Company name plus Project Name i.e. Bank of Texas / Global Task Chairs for Office 101) |
Project Manager | The project manager on the project - set up in the Project Information module |
Project Status | The Status of the project. This is a manual and an automated change. You can and should have the status change based on Workflow , Action Items being checked out and completed. You can include the manual update of the status in your workflow as Completion Tasks. |
Project Type | The type of Project assigned (The project Type defines workflow (Action Items)) |
Punch List | A checkbox indicating the Project has an Open Punch list attached or a user has manually marked the project as a Punch List / Hot Job project |
Released By |
Req. Complete | The date that the order installation is requested to be completed on (Set in the Order Entry module) |
Req. Install Start | The date that the order installation is requested to be started on (Set in the Order Entry module) |
Reqs. Installation | A checkbox in the Project Information module: Indicates whether the project needs to be scheduled for installation, and controls if it will show on the "To be Scheduled" grid in the implementation calendar |
Sales Territory | Selection made on the Company Record tied to the project |
Salespeople | If multiple salespeople are assigned to the Project, this field will show all salespeople assigned to the Project in the Project Information module |
Shipping Status | Formulated column to show status of Ack’s entered and the keyed “Ship Date” to identify status such as Partially Shipped, Shipped Complete, etc. |
Ship Via | Ship Via drop down selected in Order Entry module |
State | State tied to End User |
Status Change Days | How many days the Project has been in the current Status |
Team Members | Team Members assigned in the Project Information module |
Terms of Sale | Terms of Sale selected on Order |
Zip Code | Zip Code tied to End User |