Events Calendar

Events Calendar

The Events Calendar in e-manage|ONE serves as a powerful tool for scheduling and managing appointments, seamlessly integrating with your Microsoft Outlook Calendar. Events created in e-manage|ONE or edited from Outlook appointments are recorded as part of your history and associated with relevant records. Here's how to make the most of the Events Calendar:

Configuring Integration with Microsoft Outlook

To integrate e-manage with your Microsoft Outlook Calendar, follow these steps:

  • Click on the "Tools" menu at the top of the e-manage main window.

  • Select "Configure” → “User Settings” →

  • Check the "Integrate Personal Calendar" checkbox.

  • Click the "Register" button within the Outlook Settings Box.

  • This will pull in your Machine Name to ensure your appointments sync correctly.

This setup ensures that appointments sync only with your designated computer, preventing synchronization with other devices that may have Outlook installed. Without specifying the machine name, appointments made in e-manage will go to Outlook, but Outlook-created appointments won't be visible in e-manage.

Automatic Calendar Opening

You can configure e-manage|ONE to open the Events Calendar automatically upon startup:

  • Click on the "File" menu at the top of the e-manage main window.

  • Select “User Preferences” → "Open Launcher Window".

  • Check the "Events Calendar" checkbox.

  • Use the priority cell to determine the order in which windows open.

Setting the calendar to the highest priority ensures it's the last window opened and becomes the active window after startup.

Navigating the Events Calendar

To access the Events Calendar:

  • Click "View" on the Tool Bar.

  • Select "Event Calendar."

You can choose from different viewing options:

  • Day View (with time slots)

  • Work Week View (with time slots)

  • Week View (without time slots)

  • Month View (without time slots)

Select your preferred view using the buttons on the upper right of the Events Calendar Toolbar.

Managing Appointments

Existing appointments can be moved using the drag-and-drop method. You can also select multiple appointments and move them simultaneously by holding the control key while clicking and dragging.

To create an appointment:

  • Highlight one or more time slots (in Day or Work Week view) or a day (in Week or Month view).

  • Click the "New Appointment" button in the toolbar above the calendar.

In the New/Edit Event window, you can:

  • Choose an event type.

  • Enter a subject.

  • Specify a Market Type.

  • Add a description for additional details.

  • Set start and end times.

  • Assign the event to a user.

  • Set an alarm time.

  • Choose a color for categorization.

  • Set status (Out of the Office, Do Not Disturb, Confirmed).

Inviting and Scheduling Users

Use the month view calendars on the right side of the Events Calendar window to navigate to different dates. is a shared calendar, you can invite or schedule other users. Highlight the user(s) and use the Invite or Schedule button. Invited users receive pop-up invitations and can accept or decline, with notifications sent back to you.

To view another user's calendar to check for availability or just to see where they are, click the Users pop-out panel in the toolbar just above the calendar and check off any users that you want to view in the calendar. They will appear side by side with headers for each and their appointments in the columns.

Viewing Other Users' Calendars

To check availability or view other users' calendars:

  • Click the Users pop-out panel in the toolbar.

  • Check off users to view side by side.

Synchronizing with Outlook

When e-manage|ONE is set to synchronize with your calendar, appointments will appear in Outlook immediately upon creation.

Adding Attendees

You can add attendees who are contacts from your database. Decide whether to send the event via Outlook and mark a primary attendee.

Creating Appointments via Drag and Drop

You can create appointments by dragging and dropping records onto the calendar from any grid view. The New/Edit Event Item window will pop up, associated with the dropped record.

Customizing Calendar Options

Use the Option pop-out panel to customize calendar settings, including displaying weekend days, choosing the first day of the week, and more.

Filtering Events

The Filters pop-out panel allows you to filter events based on type and other criteria.


Use the month view calendars on the right side of the Events Calendar window to navigate to different dates. You may need to click the refresh calendar button with the following icon to load historical data depending on how far back you are looking.