Parts / Items Sold Report

Parts / Items Sold Report

You can use the Parts Sold Search to identify furniture sold, what projects they are connected to, what customers are buying those parts and more! We will be using the example of locating what projects parts sold are on for this example: 

  1. Select Analysis from the top toolbar > Parts/Items Sold


  2. Now choose how you'd like to run the report in the "Pull a list of these" panel and the "Based On" panel. For this example I will be using "Parts / Count" and based on "Purchase Orders". Enter you "Part #" and select "Show Parts". This will populate the part(s) below "Internal Part #".


  3. Highlight the Part you wish to run the results on and select the “Add Selected Parts to Search Filter" button to push to the right side of the screen.


  4. Highlight the part on the right side of the panel, enter the dates you wish to run the results on (for this example I will be basing the results off of actual ordered items so I am using the "P.O.'s Created Between" date field) and select "Search Filtered Parts".


  5. This will open up a new tab with the results of the parts sold as a whole. You can use the "Jobs" field on the "Pull a list of these" to see a list of parts along with the Project numbers the parts were sold on.

In e-manage|ONE Release 10020, you can now adjust to pull results from the BOM Parts. By default it will want to analyze based off the Master Parts List.