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We will begin this section with the organization of the estimate / quote window using Options, Phases and BOM's (Bill of Materials).

Working with Options

Options are the top level of this data structure and contain Phases which in turn contain BOM's (bill of materials).  Each level has a + to click on to see the "child" records. You can tell which level you are working with by the "name" column in each, for example, the option level has "Option Name", the phase level has "Phase Name" and the BOM level has "BOM Name". When building a quote, you can add multiple options into it, so this becomes a way to organize your quote into major sections.

An option is required to begin any estimating process in e-manage|ONE but before you create a new option, you should check a couple of things for accuracy. First make sure the tax rate is correct in the toolbar just above the option grid. If the tax rate is 0%, then either the project is tax exempt, or it could indicate a problem with the zip code tax rate (in this case you should see your administrator to get the tax rate updated to an accurate value). In any case, the tax rate shown in the Tax Rate box in the toolbar is what will be used on all items added to the BOM (if marked as a taxable "Parts Category" in the administrator).

The next thing you want to check for accuracy is the Pricing Type in the toolbar just above the grid. Your administrator has set the default pricing type that will show in every BOM window, but it can be overridden by changing the value of the drop down list box.

Here's a breakdown of what each of the pricing types mean and how they work:

Lump Sum Sale - Uses profit margin against the cost to get to the sale price and uses "Use Tax" on the cost instead of "Sales Tax" on the Pre Tax Sell. The tax becomes part of the cost and the entire cost (including tax)  and the margin is then applied to the entire cost (including tax) to get to the sale price.

Lump Sum Sale + Tax - Uses profit margin against the cost to get to the sale price. The Pre Tax Sell is then taxed at the given tax rate to get the total.

Discount From List - Uses the List Price with a discount you supply to get to the sale price and then applies sales tax to the resulting Pre Tax Sale.

Markup - Uses the cost multiplied by 1 + your supplied markup percent to get to the Pre Tax Sell, which is then taxed at the given tax rate

Although you set the pricing type on the option level, it really only affects the way you price when you change the cost or sell dollar values within the Options, Phases, BOM's and parts. You can set the margin, markup or customer discount on each of these sections no matter what pricing type you choose.

When you change the customer discount, margin, markup, or sale price in an option row of the grid, it will affect every Adjustable item (not matter what phase or BOM) attached to it, adjusting each to the value you supply. When you change the pre-tax sell of the option level, e-manage will examine all Adjustable items and figure out how to get to the price you supplied by setting all adjustable items to the same margin, markup or customer discount (based on your pricing type).

There are certain editable cells within the Option Rows of the Option Grid. Because e-manage|ONE allows users to change the column header names of every grid, the names of your columns may differ from the ones listed here, however you can right click on any column header to see the original name at the bottom of the resulting pop-up menu. When changing the value of any cell, you should press the TAB key on your keyboard to commit the value to the database, there is no save button when editing cells, so this is the only way to save the changed value.

Option Name- This cell sets the name of the option on a quote. When you create a new option, the name is automatically set to "New Option" and if you do not change it from this, your quote will not show the option section. Only a name other than "New Option" will show up on a quote. If you will be adding multiple options to one quote, you can ensure the order in which they appear by using 01) , 02) , 03) etc. in front of the name. the quote will remove the 01) in the name when printing (note: there is a space after the ")" in these).

New Margin, New Markup, and New Customer Discount - Depending on your pricing type, the option level will allow you to change only the appropriate cell. Lump Sum Sale and Lump Sum Sale + Tax will allow you to change the New Margin, Discount From List will allow you to change the New Discount, and Markup will allow you to change the New Markup column.

Pre-Tax Sell - This changes the overall price of this option to the customer (before tax on Lump Sum Sale + Tax, Markup and Discount From List)  (after Tax on Lump Sum Sale).

Not Current - This checkbox changes the option to Strike Through font so other users viewing the BOM window will see that this option should not be used.

Optional Item - When you set this value, the quote will give a sign off section on each option. Use this when your customer will choose between options or when they will choose some of the options for the order, but not necessarily all options.

To create a new option, click on the "Tools" menu inside of the BOM Window and then on "New Option" (you can also create new options by importing from an external source).

You can also use Auto-Part templates by selecting the “Choose Auto-Part Templates” tab in the lower area of the BOM in which we will explore in a later section.

When you add a new option, the entire structure for one phase is also added and the BOM is selected and ready to add parts (the BOM level is the only level you can add items to. Options and Phases are for organization, quoting and pricing only).

You will see that the option was added with the pricing type supplied in the drop down list box in the toolbar at the top of the window. The Phase will add with the phase name of "Default Phase" and if it is not changed from "Default Phase" to something else, the phase name will not show on the quote.

The right click "Context Menu" for Options

When you right click on an option a pop-up menu will appear with functionality you don't get with the grid. Highlighting multiple options in the grid and right clicking, will let you affect change on all selected options. You will need to click (or highlight) the options you want to work with prior to right clicking for some of the functionality in this menu.

We will go through each of the elements of this menu here: 

  • New Option - Creates a new option in the grid as if you had clicked the menu item from the "Tools" menu of the Bill of Materials window.

  • New Phase - Creates a new phase on the currently highlighted option. You can have as many phases as you need to accurately describe or plan this option. When you choose to add a "New Phase" a new BOM will also be created automatically and selected so you can add parts to it.

  • New BOM - is greyed out on this menu because a BOM is a child of a phase, not an option.

  • Copy - Copies the currently selected Option(s) that can then be pasted in this BOM Window or by opening a BOM window from a different project

  • Paste - Pastes the options from the windows clipboard into the current Bill of Materials Window.

  • Delete Selected - This is the only way to delete an option (it will PERMANENTLY DELETE the option from the database, there is no recovery except by restoring from backup). You will be asked to confirm the deletion before the option is deleted from the database.

  • Add / Modify Option Picture - Lets you specify a .jpg image to use as the picture for the option on the quote. This image should encompass the entire option's features, it may be a drawing of the area you are working on. The Add/Modify Option Picture will pop-up and you can browse to a .jpg image on your hard drive, or clear the existing picture, then click apply.

The option picture will show on the entire first page of the quote option with the name of the option as shown below. The exact dimensions of the image on the quote are 764 x 702 pixels. The image will stretch to fit, but the closer you get to these dimensions, the less distorted the picture will look.

  • Change Name - Changes the name of the currently selected (highlighted) option (best to do this directly in the grid).

  • Change Pricing Type - Switches the Pricing Type of the currently selected option(s) and runs calculations to update the appropriate margin, markup or customer discount.

  • Optional - changes the Optional Status of every selected option.

  • Select - changes the Select checkbox of every selected option.

  • Not Current - changes the Not Current checkbox status of every selected option.

  • Move to Another Project - Type in a project number to move the BOM from this Project to another.

Working with Phases

Phases are the second level of this data structure and contain BOMs which is where parts are attached.  Each Phase level has a + to click on to see the "child" records. You can tell which level you are working with by the "name" column in each, for example, the option level has "Option Name", the phase level has "Phase Name" and the BOM level has "BOM Name". Each Option can have an unlimited number of phases that can be named and given formatted text descriptions.

When you change the customer discount, margin, markup, or sale price in a phase row of the grid, it will affect every Adjustable item (not matter what BOM) attached to it, adjusting each to the value you supply. When you change the pre-tax sell of the phase level, e-manage will examine all Adjustable items and figure out how to get to the price you supplied by setting all adjustable items to the same margin, markup or customer discount (based on your pricing type).

There are certain editable cells within the Phase Rows of the Option Grid. Because e-manage|ONE allows users to change the column header names of every grid, the names of your columns may differ from the ones listed here, however you can right click on any column header to see the original name at the bottom of the resulting pop-up menu. When changing the value of any cell, you should press the TAB key on your keyboard to commit the value to the database, there is no save button when editing cells, so this is the only way to save the changed value.

  • Phase Name- This cell sets the name of the Phase on a quote. When you create a new phase, the name is automatically set to "Default Phase" and if you do not change it from this, your quote will not show the phase name section. Only a name other than "Default Phase" will show up on a quote. If you have multiple phases, you can ensure the order in which they appear by using 01) , 02) , 03) etc. in front of the name. the quote will remove the 01) in the name when printing (note: there is a space after the ")" in these).

  • New Margin, New Markup, and New Customer Discount - Depending on your pricing type, the phase level will allow you to change only the appropriate cell. Lump Sum Sale and Lump Sum Sale + Tax will allow you to change the New Margin, Discount From List will allow you to change the New Discount, and Markup will allow you to change the New Markup column.

  • Pre-Tax Sell - This changes the overall price to the customer of this phase (before tax on Lump Sum Sale + Tax, Markup and Discount From List)  (after Tax on Lump Sum Sale).

  • Phase QTY and Phase UOM - Used to setup a hybrid phase. Set this to anything but blank and choose a Phase UOM to roll up the items associated with the phase into one line with the phase name being the part number and the phase description being the Description with one summed up price.

  • Start Date - The anticipated start date of the phase

  • Installers Per Day - How many installers will be necessary per day to perform the installation of this phase

  • Installation Days - The number of days anticipated to perform the installation of this phase.

When you right click on a phase, a pop-up menu will appear with functionality you don't get with the grid. Highlighting multiple phases in the grid and right clicking, will let you affect change on all selected phases. You will need to click (or highlight) the phase(s) you want to work with prior to right clicking for some of the functionality in this menu.

  • New Option - Creates a new option with a new phase and new BOM with the BOM selected so you can immediately add new parts.

  • New Phase - Creates a new phase under the option that the currently selected phase is a part of, and a new BOM with the BOM selected so you can immediately add new parts.

  • New BOM - Creates a New BOM for the currently selected phase and a new BOM with the BOM selected so you can immediately add new parts.

  • Copy - Copies the currently selected phase(s) to paste into another option, the same option or an option in another project's BOM window.

  • Paste - Pastes any copied phases from the windows clipboard to the currently selected phase's option.

  • Delete Selected - Permanently deletes the selected phase(s) and any BOM's that are children of the selected phase(s)

  • Add / Modify Phase Picture - Adds, changes, or clears the picture associated with the currently selected phase. The Add / Modify Phase Picture window will pop-up where you can browse to a picture that represents the current phase and click apply, or click the clear button to remove a picture.

Here's what it looks like on the quote:

  • Change Name - Changes the name of the currently selected phase (best to do this right in the grid)

  • Change Phase Description - Opens the Builder Window where you can enter a formatted text description of the currently selected phase (click the link to view what you can do with the builder window)

  • Move to Another Option - A drop down list box of all of the other options in the BOM Window that you can choose to move the phase to. This does not make a copy, but removes it from the option it is in and into the new option you choose.

  • Add from Kit - Adds a pre-made kit to the phase. Use the Starters, Adders and Rows cells on the BOM that is created to update the QTY of kit items. When you find the kit you want to add, drag and drop the folder with the kit name onto the phase.

Working With BOMs

BOMs are the third level of this data structure where parts are attached.  You can tell which level you are working with by the "name" column in each, for example, the option level has "Option Name", the phase level has "Phase Name" and the BOM level has "BOM Name". Each Phase can have an unlimited number of BOMs that can be named.

When you change the customer discount, margin, markup, or sale price in a BOM row of the grid, it will affect every Adjustable item attached to it, adjusting each to the value you supply. When you change the pre-tax sell of the BOM level, e-manage will examine all Adjustable items and figure out how to get to the price you supplied by setting all adjustable items to the same margin, markup or customer discount (based on your pricing type).

There are certain editable cells within the BOM Rows of the Option Grid. Because e-manage 7 allows users to change the column header names of every grid, the names of your columns may differ from the ones listed here, however you can right click on any column header to see the original name at the bottom of the resulting pop-up menu. When changing the value of any cell, you should press the TAB key on your keyboard to commit the value to the database, there is no save button when editing cells, so this is the only way to save the changed value.

  • BOM Name - This cell sets the name of the BOM. When you create a new BOM, the name is automatically set to "New BOM" but it can be changed to anything that best describes the BOM. BOM names do not show up on a quote, so changing the name is strictly for your own organization purposes.

  • New Margin, New Markup, and New Customer Discount - Depending on your pricing type, the BOM level will allow you to change only the appropriate cell. Lump Sum Sale and Lump Sum Sale + Tax will allow you to change the New Margin, Discount From List will allow you to change the New Discount, and Markup will allow you to change the New Markup column.

  • Pre-Tax Sell - This changes the overall price to the customer of this BOM (before tax on Lump Sum Sale + Tax, Markup and Discount From List)  (after Tax on Lump Sum Sale).

  • Starters - This is used for kits. A kit must have already been added at the phase level in order for this cell to do anything. Any kit parts on the BOM that are marked as Starters will have the QTY multiplied by this number, then by the Rows cell.

  • Adders - This is used for kits. A kit must have already been added at the phase level in order for this cell to do anything. Any kit parts on the BOM that are marked as adders will have the QTY multiplied by this number, then by the Rows cell.

  • Rows - This is used for kits. A kit must have already been added at the phase level in order for this cell to do anything. Any kit parts on the BOM that are marked as starters or adders will have the QTY multiplied by this number, then by the Rows cell.

When you right click on a BOM, a pop-up menu will appear with functionality you don't get with the grid. Highlighting multiple BOMs in the grid and right clicking, will let you affect change on all selected BOMs. You will need to click (or highlight) the BOM(s) you want to work with prior to right clicking for some of the functionality in this menu.

We will go through each of the elements of this menu here: 

  • Add From Search - used to add parts to the selected BOM by searching using one or more criteria to find the part and using the Add QTY cell to add the items at the specified QTY.

  • Add From Parts Catalog - Used to add parts to the selected BOM by using the pre-built Parts Catalog. Navigate through the catalog folders to find the parts you want and use the "Add QTY" cell to add parts to the selected BOM at the specified QTY.

  • Add From Library - Used to add parts to the selected BOM by using the pre-built library of parts. Navigate through the library folders to find the parts you want and use the "Add QTY" cell to add parts to the selected BOM at the Specified QTY.

  • Add From Favorites - Used to add parts to the selected BOM using a grid of your own personal favorites. Any part can be marked as favorite by checking the "Favorite" checkbox anywhere you see the part. Use the Add QTY cell to add the part(s) you want to the selected BOM.

  • New Option - Creates a new option with a new phase and new BOM with the BOM selected so you can immediately add new parts.

  • New Phase - Creates a new phase under the option that the currently selected phase is a part of, and a new BOM with the BOM selected so you can immediately add new parts.

  • New BOM - Creates a New BOM for the currently selected phase and a new BOM with the BOM selected so you can immediately add new parts.

  • Copy - copies the currently selected BOM(s) to paste into another Phase, the same Phase or a phase in another project's BOM window.

  • Paste - pastes any copied phases from the windows clipboard to the currently selected phase's option.

  • Delete Selected - permanently deletes the selected phase(s) and any BOM's that are children of the selected phase(s)

  • Add / Modify BOM Picture - This is not used on BOMs since the BOMs are not broken out on the quote.

  • Change Name - Changes the name of the selected BOM (best to do this right in the grid).

  • Move To A Different Phase - This will move (without copying) the selected BOM to another phase in the project. This is a drop down list box of all phases shown with their option name. Select the phase you want to move the BOM to and then click the Move button.

  • No labels