If you are a user and marked to be shown on the Time Clock when you open the Time Clock from the Human Resources menu it will automatically select your name, today's date & the default pay schedule (See Employee Manager for additional info on Employee Record setup)
You now have the option of either using the "Current" button to pull the current time (time zone setting on each employee record in the Employee Manager) or you can manually enter the time on your keyboard. If you choose to manually enter the time be sure to use the time format shown below to include "AM" or "PM".
If the employee is not required to enter a Project (in Employee Manager) at this time you can choose to not enter a Project # or enter the Project # and Save. The Customer Order should auto-populate if there is only (1) order on the Project. If there is not an order yet it will populate automatically with the text "New Order" (this is just a blank order until an order has been processed on a Project and then it will auto move to the Order processed). If there are multiple Orders on a job you will have to select this drop down to apply to the appropriate order before Saving.
Note: Same process applies to entering time against a Service Ticket with the exception of connecting to a Customer Order
After selecting Save you will now see your time entry populate on the lower portion of this screen along with ALL time entered for that date. You can use the filters or sorting to narrow down to what you might be looking for.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You can select multiple employee's at one time by using the check box next to the employee's name. You can also pick a different date when necessary.