Once After successfully completing the setup is complete process, you will now see be able to access "Kimball EDI" in the Batch Entry Web Services menu (, as shown demonstrated below):
To proceed with order processing using Kimball, follow these steps:
Select the Manufacturer: Use the drop-down menu to
choose the
NOTE: You will you use your Main Account in the Bill Account, Servicing Dealer, End User Acct #, Participating Dealer Acct # & Reference Dealer Acct #. The only drop down account that may vary is the Ship Account.
appropriate manufacturer for the order.
Complete Order Settings: Double-click on the order you wish to configure. This action will open the order settings dialog box, allowing you to specify the required details and preferences for the order.
Sending the Order: After configuring the order settings to your satisfaction, return to the main interface. Now, highlight the order you want to send.
Send Selected: With the order highlighted, select the "Send Selected" option. This will initiate the process of sending the order to the designated recipient.
Important Note:
In various sections of the order settings, you will be prompted to enter specific account details. For consistency, use your Main Account information in the following fields:
Bill Account
Servicing Dealer
End User Acct #
Participating Dealer Acct #
Reference Dealer Acct #
The only account that may differ is the Ship Account, where you should input the appropriate shipping account details.
Additionally, you can select the “Send End User (Without Account) check box to ignore sending this information over.