Help Desk: For the most efficient support ticket management, use the Help Desk within your e-manage|ONE software. Submit and track your support tickets seamlessly, guaranteeing timely assistance. To learn how to use the Help Desk effectively, refer to the dedicated Service Desk / Get Help! section in our Help Guide.
Support Line: For urgent matters, we offer a dedicated support line available from 10 am to 7 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST). When you call (949) 288-3956 during these hours, our subject matter expert technicians will provide immediate assistance. While this option is ideal for critical issues, rest assured that all tickets, regardless of the channel used, are handled promptly according to priority.
Email Support: For non-urgent inquiries or written communication preferences, reach us at support@emanageone.com. Sending an email to this address will automatically generate a support ticket, and our team will respond as soon as possible.
Help Menu: Inside your e-manage|ONE software, find a comprehensive Help Menu offering access to various resources. From tutorial videos on our YouTube channel to our comprehensive user guide, the Help Menu is designed to empower you in using the software effectively and efficiently.