Origin-based sales tax is calculated based on the seller's location rather than the buyer's. This means the tax rate applied to a sale is determined by where the seller operates, making it straightforward for in-state transactions but potentially different for out-of-state sales, which may follow destination-based rules.
To configure Origin Sales Tax, navigate to the Administrator Application → Configure → Corporate Division. Once you have selected the Corporate Division you would like to edit in the top grid, you will see:
My Company Drop Down - This is the company that the Origin Sales Tax Rate will be based on
Use Origin Sales Tax Checkbox - This must be checked if you’d like to use Origin Sales Tax functionality
Select your company and check the box for Origin Sales Tax, then hit “Save”.
When you create a new Project, the checkbox for “Origin Sales Tax” will automatically be set to the value configured in the Administrator (checked or unchecked). Please note, if you do not have it checked in the Administrator, you can still manually check it, however My Company must be populated in Administrator for this to work.
You can also check an existing project as “Use Origin Tax” if the functionality was set up after the project was created
When Checked, the “Tax Rate” box in the BOM will be populated based on the logic below:
If Origin Company State = End User State, Sales Tax Rate = Origin Company Sales Tax Rate
If Origin Company State <> End User State Sales Tax Rate = End User Sales Tax Rate