To schedule a job and print a work order you must drag and drop the item onto the Implementation Calendar. To do so, you can drag and drop from the "Booked Orders Needing Scheduling" or from your Search tool (magnifying glass icon) in the lower left corner. The latter is only recommended for Time & Materials jobs otherwise you should be able to always drag & drop from your booked orders.
General Information
Once dropped onto the calendar the below Implementation Item Window will appear. Your project information will show in the upper left corner to ensure you are scheduling the correct job. You are required to fill in your Division, Type and Order. The order should auto-fill based off the item you dropped from the booked orders list in the lower portion of the Implementation Calendar. If you dropped from the Search tool you will have to select the correct order. Jobs are scheduled per order so once the item is saved to the calendar it will remove itself automatically from the orders needing to be scheduled. The colors in the upper right corner will adjust automatically based off what your administrator has setup in your Install Calendar Legend. Once you have filled in all required and necessary information select "Save Item" and it will move you over to the "Internal Resources" tab.
Internal Resources
This is where you can add your internal installers. You can select multiple at a time if necessary by checking the box to the left of the installers name then using the ">" button to move them to the right side of this screen. The Installer Details window will then appear so you can assign what is being installed and at what pay schedule. After selecting the pay schedule it will automatically fill in the remaining drop downs. This can always be adjusted at the time of processing payroll if you choose to process payroll through e-manage and through the Implementation Calendar (please see Time Entry and Processing for more information). Select "Add Installers / Vendors" to add the chosen installers to this Implementation Item.
Select the Subcontractors tab to assign sub-resources to this Implementation Item. Highlight the group you need to add to the current Implementation Item (you can select multiple using your CTRL key on your keyboard) and select the ">" button. Adjust the number of expected crew members, what the crew is installing and select "Add Installers / Vendors" in the "Add/Edit Subcontractor" window.
Items to Install
This tab is where you can add product from Acknowledgements, Purchase Orders and/or from Inventory. It will default to pull from acknowledgements but you can click in the space next to "Show Acks" in the lower left corner to switch to pull product from the Purchase Orders. Select the drop down next to "Add All / Add", select the Acknowledgement you wish to add and select "Add". You can use the "Add All" button to add all product shown in drop down.
Tip: Use the ".:" to drag the window out to see additional information such as Ship Dates and Received Dates
Once the product has been added it will show in the upper portion of the Implementation Item. To delete any individual items you can highlight and select "Delete" on your keyboard.
Truck Drop Down
Select your items and you can select a Truck to assign by selecting from the drop down → Set. In order to see your available trucks in the drop down, you must create the truck as an asset in the Asset Manager.
Deleting Implementation Item(s)
To delete an entire Item from the calendar, highlight the item you wish to delete and select "Delete" on your keyboard.
Moving / Modifying an Implementation Item
You can move an item by dragging it from one day to the correct day or double click to modify anything on the Implementation Item such as the Date(s), Install Crew, Items to Install, etc.