Time Entry / Processing Time

Time Entry / Processing Time

There are a few different ways to enter and process time entries in e-Manage which we will go through in the following sections.

It is imperative you apply time to your jobs to affect Job Costing as accurately as possible. Typically our clients choose (1) of the following ways to process time but is just a preference and may use a mixture of methods in some cases: 

  1. Use the Time Clock via the main e-manage|ONE Application and/or the Web Portal (The web portal allows your Installation Supervisor/Installer to enter the time in real time which is the most efficient way of entering time then you can have an Office staff employee review for accuracy which will still save a TON of administrative time)

  2. Enter Time into the Calendar and use the "Process Time from Install Calendar" and/or "Process Time from Service Calendar" via the Human Resources tab

  3. Journal Entry the total cost to the Job (quickest way but doesn't push to payroll in Quickbooks and does not show hours reported on the job)