Subcontractor Time
There are a few different ways to handle Subcontractor Labor as explained below:
Enter a line onto the BOM with est. cost and sell to the client connected to the Subcontractor group assigned to the job
This way can sometimes be difficult based on the dealership and their processes as sometimes you don’t know who is going to be assigned until the work gets scheduled
Important Note: If you want this to apply to the Final P & L you must add the bill to the PO when it comes in
Enter a Journal Cost labeled as “Subcontractor Labor”, “Installation / Labor” or something of the sort
See Journal Cost for more information on how to process a Journal Entry
Some dealers like to list out their subcontractor groups like an internal installer so they can apply time per installer
Example: Subcontractor Group Name – Office Furniture Source
Enter as “OFS #1”, “OFS #2”, etc.
Now your scheduler can schedule each individual guy
Now your time entry folks can enter their time as if they were internal
Now you can run hours reports and whether or not it was internal or external the total # of hours will report accurately