Setting up e-manage One for your specific needs is crucial for effective management. Here's a step-by-step guide on configuring user settings to optimize your experience.
Step 1: Access User Settings
Open e-manage One.
Click on "Tools" in the Top Main Toolbar.
Select "Configure" from the dropdown menu.
Choose "User Settings."
Step 2: E-Mail and Personal Calendar Settings
If you plan to use e-mail within e-manage One, it's highly recommended to integrate your e-mail and calendar settings. Follow these steps:
Check the "Integrate items" option.
Click the gray "Register" button. This ensures that e-manage One synchronizes with your Outlook and calendar.
Once a name appears to the left of "clear," your settings are complete.
Step 3: Personal Calendar Event Colors
You can customize the colors of personal calendar events based on the event type. This setting will apply company-wide, and you only need to do it once.
Step 4: Multiple E-mail Accounts
If you have multiple accounts set up in Outlook, e-manage One will automatically recognize them. These accounts will be available in the "From" drop-down within the e-manage e-mail window.
From the file menu in Outlook:
Step 5: Event Sharing
Specify which users can schedule, delete, or edit your appointments. This allows you to control who has access to your calendar and events.
Step 6: Setting Map Location (Personal Settings)
You can set your default map starting location for easy access to your company's installations on a map. Follow these steps:
Drag and drop your company from the search toolbar located in the lower left-hand corner (the magnifying glass).
This information will feed into the web portal, allowing you to view the locations of your current installations on a map.
Step 7: Other Personal Settings
For a standard setup, we recommend checking the following boxes:
PO / Customer Invoice Settings
You can configure this area once for the entire company to streamline communication with vendors and customers:
Select "Include Salesperson Initials" to add the Sales Rep's initials to the front of Vendor PO and Customer Invoice numbers (e.g., SP5061-1, SP5061-2).
If you prefer to use the Project Manager's initials, select "Prefer PM."
Choosing "Add to End" will append the initials to the end of the number (e.g., 5061-1SP, 5061-2SP).
Configuring these settings ensures efficient and tailored use of e-manage One for your specific requirements.