Step 11: Scheduling

Step 11: Scheduling

  1. Select the Installation Calendar from View menu > Installation Calendar.


  2. This is the Month view of the Implementation Calendar.  Notice the Order that we just created is listed in the Booked Orders Needing Scheduling grid at the bottom of the screen.


  3. To schedule the order simply select it from the list then drag and drop it onto the day you wish.  Fill out the required fields marked with asterisks and select "Save Item".  Use the General Instructions area to add any additional special instructions. Typically work order notes have already been added within the project using Actions > Add a Note / Alert > "Work Order" Note Type.  
    NOTE: If you do not see your order in the lower portion of the calendar it has either already been scheduled at some point or it was not marked as "Requires Installation" in the Order Entry module. Either way you can use your main Search tool (magnifying glass in lower left corner) to drag and drop onto desired date.



  4. After clicking Save on the General Information tab you will automatically be brought to the Internal Resources tab where installers can be chosen and scheduled.  Also, take note that the implementation item is now on the calendar and no longer showing on the lower portion of the screen in "Booked Orders Needing Scheduling".


  5. Select the crew members you wish to schedule for the implementation.  Once selected click the highlighted “>” button.


  6. The Installer Details window shown is where pay schedules are chosen, travel time is issued, and start / end times are adjusted. This window will only pop up if you are in fact processing payroll through e-manage.

    **If you feel this window should not open because you do not process time from the calendar, please reach out to Support to ensure you Admin settings are properly setup!

  7. Notice that the installers just added are listed in the grid on the right side of the window. Proceed to the "Subcontractors" tab if necessary to add any outsourced labor.


  8. To add product onto the work order/delivery ticket select the "Items to Install" tab. The drop down in the lower right corner will (by default) show all Acknowledgements on the order. You do have the option to add product onto a work order previous to acknowledging by flipping the "Show Acks" button to "Show PO's". Otherwise select the Ack you wish to add and select "Add". Note that once you select "Add", the product shows in the upper right-hand portion of the Implementation Item.


  9. To print the work order for a Job simply select the Job from the calendar and click the highlighted Print Work Orders button.

    You can print multiple Work Orders / Delivery Tickets by highlighting multiple using your CTRL key and selecting “Print Work Orders” OR by selecting the entire day to “Print Work Orders”.


  10. This is the print preview page of the full Installation Package / Delivery Ticket for the Job that was selected which displays the way the WO will look when printed.  Notice that the instructions that were added appear on the work order as well as the installers that were selected to perform the work. From here you can print or e-mail out directly from this view using the icons on the upper toolbar.
    NOTE: Once the work order comes back marked as "Work Order Complete" you would then want to mark the Implementation as "Complete" in order for your "Installed Not Yet Invoiced" report from the Today panel to work correctly. Typically, this is a Scheduler or Project Manager function you can do from within the calendar by highlighting the entire day, selecting the tab located at the bottom of the calendar labeled "Scheduled Items for Selected Days" and marking the applicable orders as "Complete".



Check out the full Scheduling Help Guide section here: Installation & Service Calendars

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