Deleting Documents with Expired Retention Dates

Deleting Documents with Expired Retention Dates

If you have the rights to "Set / Modify Retention Dates" as shown below you will have the ability to Delete documents from e-manage|ONE.

Follow the steps below to remove a document completely from e-manage|ONE: 

  1. Navigate to the document you want to remove. If it is a project document, open the project > History > Documents.

  2. Find the "Retention Date" column and enter today's date

    1. If you do not see "Retention Date" in your grid layout you may need to select the "Field Chooser" icon located in the top left corner of your grid and make this an available column.

    2. If you do not see "Retention Date" in the field chooser you may need to "Clear My Grid Toolbar Layout" from the "Grid Functions" (little red button in bottom right corner)

    3. If you still do not see "Retention Date" you may need to delete your grid layout completely


  3. Now that a Retention Date is set, go to Documents (Top Toolbar) > Review / Delete Documents with Expired Retention Date

  4. Select a Record Type

  5. Highlight > "Delete Selected"