Temp Docs

Temp Docs

This is an area of the system where you can place documents that you may not be quite ready to upload to a Company, Contact or Project yet. Think of it as a holding place for documents. There are a few different methods you can use to upload documents to Temp Docs in which we will review below:

Open Document > Save To

  1. Open the Document

  2. File > Save As

  3. Save the document to the "e-manage One Temporary Doc Upload" folder (This PC > Documents)

  4. After you select Save you will receive a couple of notifications showing upload was successful in the lower right corner and your document will appear above

Drag and Drop Method 

  1. If the document is already saved somewhere on your machine you can drag and drop the file into the "e-manage One Temporary Doc Upload" file

    1. Keep in mind this will remove the file from where it was originally saved and move it into e-manage


Right Click Method 

  1. If the document is already saved somewhere on your machine you can also Right Click on the document and Send To > “e-manage One Temporary Doc Upload"


Top Toolbar Options

Highlight the document and select Edit or Open. When necessary you may need to Remove Edit Lock.

Select Save As to save the document to your PC. Select Email to send the document internally and/or externally.

Use the Delete button to remove the document from Temp Docs. If you are having trouble due to someone having the document checked out, you can select “Remove Edit Lock” to proceed to delete.

Select Share Document to grant access to other users.

The user may need to select Show Shared in order to view any documents other users have shared with them.

When you are ready to remove the document from Temporary Documents and upload to a Project, Company or Contact you can select Save to Record. On the right panel you will have the option to Commit the document. Easiest way is to the have the record open so you can select the record from the “Open Windows” drop down, select the Document Type and Commit Selected Document(s).

Another choice you have is to Save to My Company Docs by choosing which folder you’d like to save it to, selecting the Security level, selecting the Document Type and “Commit”. See this section for additional details on My Company Documents.

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