Attach Document(s) from Disk to a Contact

Attach Document(s) from Disk to a Contact

Although you can attach documents using this method, the easiest way to attach documents to a contact is by using the "e-manage Upload to a Record" folder method.

The Attach Document(s) action menu item allows you to "save" any electronic file, no matter the type of file to the e-manage database for others (that have access to the company) to view and / or modify from any computer with e-manage installed or from the e-manage|ONE Web Portal.

Documents marked as customer viewable can be viewed by customers using the e-manage Customer Web portal.

You can attach one or more documents at one time using this widow using a couple of different methods.

First click the menu item to bring up the attach documents window.

There are 3 methods for adding documents in the Attach Documents Window: 

  1. Use the browse button to find the file from your computer or network. Once the file is found, click the OK button and the path to the file will appear in the Document Location Text Box. The Friendly Name Text Box will default to the File Name, but you can change it to whatever you want as long as you do not include any special characters like "/", "\", ":", "," "…". These characters will allow you to save the document, but you will not be able to open it up. If you accidently use one of these special characters, please call for support and we can help you change the document to be accessible. Next, set the Document Type by choosing the appropriate value from the drop down list box. Next set the Security Level (there are three security levels, but you will only see up to the level you are permitted by your administrator).If you have the appropriate right to set the retention date, you can set it here. The retention date is the date the document can be deleted from your database. Set any searchable keywords. If you are only adding one document, you can click the Upload Documents button. If the documents history window is open in e-manage, you will immediately see the document appear in the grid after it is uploaded.

  2. To add multiple documents with the Browse button, repeat step 1 and instead of clicking the Upload Document, you can click the Add To List button until all documents are in the grid. From the Grid you can also modify the Name, document type, keywords and security level directly from the grid. When all documents are added to the grid and the options set, click the Upload Documents button.

  3. You can attach multiple documents simply by opening a Windows Explorer button and finding the files you want to add to the company, highlight them and drag them into the grid in the Attach Documents window. Set the options you want for each document in the grid then click the "Upload Documents" button.  If you are only adding one document, you can click the Upload Documents button. If the documents history window is open in e-manage, you will immediately see the document appear in the grid after it is uploaded.

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