Start a New Project / Opportunity from a Contact

Start a New Project / Opportunity from a Contact

The Start a New Project / Opportunity action menu item allows you to start a project with the currently open contact's company location being the end user.

Click the menu item and the New Project Information Window will open up, blank for you to fill out. The required fields are marked with "*" an asterisk

You should create a project when you have a scope of work (or when you know what the customer is interested in having you quote) and you want to start involving other users in the process (i.e. having an estimate created).

Starting a project will require some basic information including a project name (your company should decide on a naming convention that makes it easy to know what you are looking at when seeing projects in your current opportunities or backlog grids), the corporate division, the project type, project status, probability, decision date, if there is a project manager, and the scope of work.

There are additional optional fields like the Next Touch Type and Next Touch Date, Architect, Furniture Dealer (or associate 1 and associate 2 depending on your industry).

The salesperson grid will automatically fill out with the Primary Salesperson set on the currently open Contacts' Company Location at the credit set for each on the company location. If no salesperson(s) are set as Primary, and you are a salesperson, when you click the save button your name will appear in the Salesperson grid at 100 % credit. It is best to set the primary salesperson on the company, as e-manage will always use the primary and it will prevent internal users from misidentifying the customers' salesperson.

The Requires Implementation checkbox will check (or uncheck) itself based on the project type chosen, however, you can always override the default by checking or unchecking the box after the project type has been chosen.

When creating a project from a contact, the contact will automatically be added to the project contacts grid at the bottom of the Project Information Window after you hit Save. If the contact has an open lead record, the open lead record will also be assigned to the new project, removing it from the open leads pop-out panel.


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