Report Alternatives

Report Alternatives

  1. Go to Tools → Configure Custom Reports → Configure Report Alternatives.


  2. In the "Original Report" drop down, select the report you are replacing (I.e. ProjectInformation). In the "New Report" drop down, select the custom report you uploaded in step 2. If you’d like the New Report to be the Report that shows up as the default selection when a User proceeds to print, select “Is Default”. Type in a description and hit "Save". Close this window and you're done!


  3. Once you have completed Uploading Custom Reports when you go to print/view the report you will receive an "Alternatives Available" pop up box as shown below. If you selected a report as Default it will auto-populate in the drop down.

  1. You can select the drop down to see additional Custom Reports.

  1. The "Use Original Report" can be checked when you want to use the Marketplace Software default. "Remember My Choice" can be checked when you'd like e-manage to remember what you have selected in Drop Down for all future uses. If you choose this option when you proceed to print in the future the "Alternatives Available" box will not pop up. Select "Continue" when you wish to view the report.

If you have chosen "Remember My Choice" and need the ability to select an Alternative report and/or the Original Report you may need to “Delete” your remembered choice. See here for additional details on how to remove a remembered report.