Contact Information

Contact Information

The Contact Information window serves as the primary interface for entering and editing contact details. To access this window, double-click on a contact from Search e-manage, Recent Records, Favorites, or any grid that displays Contact Information. Creating a new contact requires opening a Company Location (or finding it through the mentioned methods) and selecting Actions > Add a Contact.

While only a few fields are mandatory (First and Last Name, Contact Type, and Status), it's recommended to provide as much information as possible, especially the contact's email address. e-manage|ONE integrates with Microsoft Outlook, enabling you to send emails and perform mail merges. The Contact Information form also includes options for birthday and anniversary, allowing you to easily send personalized greetings to contacts on these occasions. Your Administrator can customize the required fields based on the Contact Type dropdown.

Remember to click the Save button when you have finished entering the information. If any required fields were left blank, you will receive a prompt to fill them out before proceeding. The toolbars at the top will become active, enabling you to create records associated with this new contact.

Adding a Contact Picture

Attaching a picture to a contact record can be helpful for visual identification. To add a picture, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the drop-down next to 'Contact Picture' in the Contact Information window.

  2. A window will appear, allowing you to browse and select an image. Click 'Browse'.

  3. Locate the image file on your computer and double-click to select it.

  4. The selected image will be displayed.

  5. Click 'Apply' to save the picture.

By adding contact pictures, you can easily associate names with faces, enhancing recognition and personalization.



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