Recent Records

Recent Records

Recent Records is an automatically built list (categorized by top level record type) of the last 5 days of top level records you have opened along with documents. You do not need to do anything but open records to have this list build.

You can double click to open, right click to go to a specific window, or drag and drop the record into areas that accept drag and drop records including the events and installation calendar.

The Recent Records are in order by when you opened the record last. The last record you opened will be on the top, while the records you opened earlier in time will be at the bottom.

To use Recent Records, simply click the Recent pop-out panel located on the bottom toolbar, then use the tree to navigate to the record you want and double click, right click or drag and drop the record.

You can also customize the information that shows for each record type, per user. To do so, click on the Category you want to adjust the options on, then click on the Option button inside of the tree, then set the values to "True" that you want to show in the tree when recent records are loaded. The options available will be different per record type. To set for a specific record type, click on one of the records (or the category) from the tree before clicking the option button.


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