

Favorites are a way for each user to store and organize top level record types (companies, contacts, projects, service agreements, serviceable items, service tickets, help desk incidents and assets) that are used often so they do not have to search for them every time.  Once added to favorites, users can double click, right click or drag and drop the records in accordance with what function they want to perform. You can make folders within the favorites tree just like you would do with file folders on your hard drive and place favorites directly into these folder.

To begin, find a record you want to add to favorites, either in any grid (including search e-manage) or Recent Records. Highlight all records you want to add to favorites and right click on the highlighted record(s). Find and click on the Add to Favorites menu item and a pop-out tree will appear.

Favorites can only be added to folders, so the first time you enter this pop-out window, you will need to create an initial folder. To do this, you can do directly in this window (shown above) or click the Favorites panel located on your lower toolbar and then click the "New Folder" button on the bottom toolbar. Name the folder, then click on it and click the Add Favorite button.

To view / modify or use your Favorite records, click on the Favorites pop-out panel on the lower toolbar of the main e-manageONE window, navigate through the folders to get to the record you want and double click, right click or drag and drop the record where applicable.


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