Creating Notes
The Add a Note / Alert action menu item allows you to add a note to the currently open Company Location. You will see the name of the currently open company location in a label just above the text box where you type the note.
Notes cannot be edited or deleted. The reason being is that every note created can be "sent" to a user as an alert that the user must acknowledge reading before it goes away. Unlike e-mail these alerts cannot go to a "Junk" box and the sender can run a search of all alerts created that have not yet been acknowledge or that have been acknowledged using the "Search Historical Alerts" window. Alerts appear in one of your toolbars on the main window of e-manage (where yours is located will depend on whether your administrator has customized your toolbar layout).
Fill out the form including the Type drop down box and click the save button (unless you want to send the note as an alert to another user(s), then continue reading).
Alerts can be created on a note after the fact of being saved or during initial saving using the megaphone button in the toolbar. When you click the megaphone a pop-out panel will appear with all of your users listed.
Notes that are attached to a company, contact or project are viewable under the Notes section of the History module.
An Installation Note type automatically will appear on a work order if your Admin / e-manage Trainer has set everything up correctly in the Admin.
Important notes can be set to automatically popup when a company, contact or project record is opened. You can set this in the History Tab of the company, contact or project. Anyone who opens the record will see the note and has to close it before the record opens up.