Using Scope Builders (Saved Text)

Using Scope Builders (Saved Text)

e-manage|ONE offers two types of text builders to streamline your workflow by allowing you to save and reuse frequently used text. These builders enable you to quickly add pre-defined content into various areas of the software, reducing repetitive typing. The two types of builders are:

1. Regular Text Builder

The Regular Text Builder saves plain text for use in fields that do not support text formatting. You can find the "Builder" button in areas that use the regular text builder, allowing you to select or save text snippets for quick reuse.

Where to Use the Regular Text Builder:

  • Project Information Window

  • Service Agreement Invoice Window

  • Project Invoice Window

  • Project Commission Window

  • Help Desk / Support Incident

  • New PO Window

  • Print Service Agreement

  • View / Modify Purchase Orders Window

  • Service Agreement Commission Window

  • Service Ticket Commission Window

  • Service Ticket Invoice Window

  • Inventory Purchase Order Window

  • Pick List Window

How to Use the Regular Text Builder:

  1. Click the "Builder" button in the desired text field.

  2. The Text Builder window will open, allowing you to create or select saved text items.

  3. Enter your text in the upper section and click "Save Text To Grid For Re-Use" to save it for future use.

  4. To use an existing saved text item, check the box next to the desired item and click "Use Checked Item(s) and Close."

  5. To edit or delete saved items, select the item from the list and use the "Edit Selected Item" or "Delete Selected Item(s)" buttons.


2. Rich Text Builder (Formatted Text)

The Rich Text Builder allows for formatted text, including font styles, colors, and layout adjustments, making it ideal for content that requires a polished appearance. This builder supports HTML editing, allowing for more customization, and can display properly on various PDF reports.

Where to Use the Rich Text Builder:

  • BOM / Estimating / Quoting Window to build the Phase Description

  • New Edit Quote Window

  • Service Ticket Information for building Scope of Work and Note to Tech

  • Implementation Item

  • Time and Materials Quote Window

  • Newly Updated Areas:

    • Option / Phase Description - Shows on Quote

    • Quote Footer / Header / Alternative Summary - Shows on Quote

    • Action Items

    • General Instruction on Installs - Shows on Work Order

How to Use the Rich Text Builder:

  1. Click the "Builder" button in the applicable field. Example of new formattable builder in Action Item window shown below:

  2. Enter and format your text using options for font size, style, color, and alignment.

  3. Click "Save Text To Grid For Re-Use" to save your formatted text.

  4. Saved text items can be easily selected and applied in other documents by checking the box next to the desired item and clicking "Use Checked Item(s) and Close.


    Editing and Managing Saved Items:

  • Edit existing items by selecting them and clicking "Edit Selected Item." Update the content and choose "Save" or "Save as New Item" as needed. Select “Delete Selected Item(s) to remove from saved text list.


Understanding Scope Builders

Scope Builders in e-manage|ONE are powerful tools designed to save time and maintain consistency. By creating saved text items, you can quickly apply pre-defined content across various documents and reports. This feature is especially useful for repetitive descriptions or instructions, like those used in quotes or work orders.

With the recent update, Scope Builders now support HTML editing, allowing for richer content display in key areas, such as quote footers and install instructions. This enhancement ensures that your formatted content is reflected accurately in the corresponding PDF outputs, providing a more professional presentation.

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