New Employee/ User Setup

New Employee/ User Setup

You must have an available seat or license to setup a New User. If you receive a message indicating you do have the ability to setup a New User, please reach out to Support via the Help Menu → Send a Help Request → Licensing and Billing Questions.

  1. Log into the e-manage Administrator Application


  2. Select Users → User List

  3. Complete the form in the the New User Wizard

    1. If you check “Is an Installer”, the user will gain acess to the mobile Crew app and ONLY the Crew app (no desktop access). See here for more information: Admin Setup for the Crew App

    2. If you check “Is a Salesperson”, the user will be added as a drop down selection for Salespeople.

    3. If you check “Is a Subcontractor”, the user will gain access to the mobile Partner app and ONLY the Partner app (no desktop access). See here for more information: Partner Setup


  4. It is imperative that with each new Salesperson you create, you check your existing user profiles and adjust their manager settings accordingly. See Salesperson / Manager / Action Item Config for more information.

  5. User Group Setup is used when setting up Action Items. You will need to place the new employee in the appropriate group to ensure they receive the correct Action Items.

6.You may select from a variety of program functions to automatically open upon e-manage|ONE login.


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