Build/Use a Custom Query
Build/Use a Custom Query
Run the report / query and create the grid layout you’d like, then save it. See Saving Grid Layouts for more information.
On the top left, click on the “Saved Queries” button. Type in a name, and select the grid layout you’ve created from the drop down. Check the “Public” box if you’d like other users to see it as well.
Go to Tools > Share Saved Queries.
In the pop up window, check off anyone that you would like to have access to the query.
To access the queries, go to “Queries” on the right-hand side of EMO and double click the query you’d like to run.
Delete Saved Queries
To delete, just run a query, go to “Saved Queries” and highlight + hit “Delete” on your keyboard.
NOTE: You can also open saved queries from the same window as well.