Drop Down List: Salespeople

Drop Down List: Salespeople

See below on how to add a new Salesperson drop down item which is commonly needed as you add Salespeople to your dealership.

  1. Open the Administrator program

  2. Corporate Division > Drop Down List Setup > click “Salespeople”


  3. On the right side, hit “New”, fill in the name (under List It), select your Corporate Division (if not already on right hand box) + Sales Division (if applicable) and select “Save”


  4. Once added, open any Active Users that will interact with the newly created salesperson. Check “Manage” to expose the user selected to the new salesperson's projects, check “Receive Sales Alert” if the user selected needs to be alerted when Action Items are completed or rejected, check “Perform Actions For” if the user selected needs to receive Action Items for new salesperson and lastly select “Show Open Actions” if the user selected needs to see Open Actions for the new salesperson.


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